Prayer of the heavenly call

I press on toward the goal to win the prize of God's heavenly calling in Christ Jesus. Philippians 3:14

Lord God, in this prayer of the heavenly call It is my desire to continue until the end of my life in the calling you have for me. So, may your will be powerfully fulfilled in my life and I may be more and more like Jesus. Forgive my sins now and help me walk the path of your eternal kingdom.


When I turn to the Lord of the high heavens, I seek through this prayer the heavenly calling. This way, I can be closer to the Lord every day. Your kingdom come upon my life so that the light that comes from you can shine in my heart. May your name, my God, be magnified in all space, because even the stars give you praise. Being the almighty Lord, I introduce people to Jesus so that their hearts may be opened by your powerful Holy Spirit.

Manifest your power in me, hear this prayer of the heavenly call and do in me your will and accomplish. This way your light will shine through me to people. O God, you are powerful, great, your holiness changes everything around and brings everyone to you in gratitude and praise. Therefore, at this time, I ask that go meet some of my family members who haven't given their lives to the Lord yet and perform the greatest miracle in their lives.


The Lord is the center of my life, so transform my life, free me from this world's fairy tale and false kindness. Therefore, my God, do not let me walk on the roads of terror that the enemy offers. Although what he presents is beautiful at first, in reality it is a path to death. So come to me, show me your will, declare to me your will through your sacred word.


Before you, with this prayer of the heavenly call, I seek your face, because by contemplating the Lord I transform myself into a new creature. This is mine winner's prayer, who longs for heaven. May your kind action happen within me so that what corrodes the soul cannot bring me down.

Paul certainly prayed this prayer of heavenly calling in this passage because he continued towards the goal he had. He awaits the promised land as I also await. Then give me power to move forward as he did and help me not to look at earthly things deviating from the right path.

My God and Father, I will watch and look forward with prayer and supplication to you so that nothing diverts me from the plans you have for me. In this prayer of the heavenly call I put my desires, my will and everything I have in your hands. So sanctify me in truth because your word is truth and light for the Earth. May Jesus come to live in me, filling my entire being, strengthening my faith and helping me move forward.

I will be like Paul by the power of the Holy Spirit, and Through faith I will lay hold of my eternal blessing which the Lord has promised since the foundation of the world. Hear my prayer and accept it in the name of Jesus. Amen!

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