There, by the Ahava Canal, I proclaimed a fast, so that we might humble ourselves before our God and ask him for a safe journey for us and our children, with all our possessions. Ezra 8:21
My God, I seek you with this prayer of the safe path for I know that I am a refuge and strength for all who seek you. Without your daily protective help, we are all lost against the enemy. But thanks to you, we are safe as long as we are by your side. So come to me, cleanse me from my sins, and strengthen my soul greatly.
I certainly want to be closer to you every day, and just like Ezra, I desire a safe path in my walka. Then take care of my life, removing the enemy from my home. I also ask that you do not allow me to waver at any time. Always be my companion, so I will always feel the Lord by my side.
In this prayer of the safe path I seek refuge and strength before the one who has the power to overcome all evil. So may your name be magnified and praised in this land. Thus I will recognize your greatness and will not give up remaining in faith until the end of my life. Help me to seek a fast so that my mind will be prepared to receive Your answer when I ask.
Your great justice is manifested in every nation, even in the face of the error they commit. Although I am not a better person than anyone else, I will take guidance from the Holy Spirit to make the best decisions for my life. Visit my people, my God, move their hearts and help them also to look at the cross of Calvary.
Your love is certainly unconditional, so there is no greater love than that. That is why I seek you with this prayer of the safe path, because I know that the Lord is my supreme guide. I know that you will never give up on me, because the Lord always completes the work that he started to do.r.
The Lord is the center of all things, because everything comes from the Lord. Even me and my weaknesses, the Lord has supported and helped me. That is why I feel your powerful hand upon me daily, giving me the power to overcome, because we are in companionship continuous. Just like Ezra, I ask for a safe path for myself and the little ones in my family.
That way each of them will feel your guiding power opening the way as you opened the red sea. Although the difference is that the Lord will open a path in the sea of problems and difficulties, the miracle will always be in each of His actions.
Who am I that you should remember me? Who am I that you should listen to my voice? I am no better than any mortal on this earth, yet I consciously and wholeheartedly accept the righteousness of my beloved savior Jesus Christ.
How wonderful it is to have this privilege of seeking the Lord with a prayer that is safe and knowing that the Lord answers my voice. May your kingdom always be in my heart, so I will know how to live on this earth, without forgetting that there is a much greater purpose. I place all my hopes in Jesus. I ask for all this in the name of my Christ the King. Amen!
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