Prayer of the shine of grace

Because the grace of God has appeared to save all men,Titus 2:11

My God with this Prayer of the Brightness of Grace I place my life entirely in your hands. Without the Lord I cannot get out of my situation. At the time when Christ came into the world, great darkness dominated the world at the time. Even so, divine light came through Christ and shone in the hearts of many people.


So bring salvation into my life daily, forgive my sins and remove any darkness that is troubling my mind. This way my actions can be for the honor and glory of your name at all times. With each passing day I see my weakness, and I realize that I need you all the time.

God, with this prayer of the brilliance of Grace, I ask that the manifestation of your salvation makes a change in my life. Although I am a weak person, I know that Christ died exactly for me. That's why I feel that the brightness of your light entered my life and changed what was apparently lost.


Oh my God, please sanctify me for your eternal kingdom, I need you so much. My life is nothing without Jesus, everything is an illusion when the Lord is not the center of all things. That's why emptiness fills the souls of those who live in anguish due to making mistakes. Then make me see beyond what I see for my spiritual growth.


God, surely those who pray the brightness of Grace prayer are because they believe in the truth and have embraced it. So hug my family, taking care of each one of them. Like this We will all see a light in the middle of the tunnel of darkness. Help everyone have a unshakable faith.

O God, always look at my afflictions, analyze the depths of my soul and see my weakest points. As they are very difficult to face, shine with the light of your grace to drive away all evil. This way the enemy will not have victory over my life.

I am completely sure that the Lord is listening to this prayer of the brilliance of Grace. Certainly the Lord cares about every hair of my head. Exactly From you came forgiveness for sin, that's why I confess them to the Lord and ask that the Lord help me to have a new life.

If by chance I stray from the Lord, come to me and put me back on your path. So shine on me, for Jesus is my Christ, my savior, my eternal Messiah. That's why not I will cling to the guesswork of life but the eternal truth that changes the hardest heart.

I will continually seek you with this prayer of the brightness of Grace because no darkness is able to withstand your light. In this way, all those who give their lives to the Lord will be able to feel something that only a person who has given his life to Jesus can feel.

May my Jesus be inside my heart, changing what needs to be changed. Likewise giving me new meaning and helping me stay in grace. All this I pray in the name of Jesus. Amen!

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