Good and upright is the Lord; therefore he shows sinners the way.Psalms 25:8
In this prayer of the good God I place my life before you, my Lord and King. Only you give me the possession and inheritance that was promised to me from the foundation of the world. I am nothing without you, for you are the source of the blessing of eternal life. So I place my sins before you, forgive each one of them, and strengthen me daily.
Holy One of Israel, you have been so good to me, your mercy is renewed every day in an extraordinary way. So my life goes on knowing that there is an all-powerful God capable of saving me and freeing me from darkness. I'm only here today because somehow you acted so that I can be by your side..
Every time I seek you with this prayer of the good Lord I feel enormous gratitude within me. Although my life has had other moments of pain and suffering both physically and mentally, the Lord has been good. Certainly the Lord draws me with his goodness and makes me see your eternal plans.
Dear God, it is very good to know that You give me power to win, that the Lord has been so, so good to me. So I see that the Lord is good all the time and all the time the Lord is good. So the Lord attracts the human being with your power full of grace, mercy and love. In this way, we can see your goodness both in the flower that blooms in the field and in the rain that falls and irrigates the crops.
So in my spirit of gratitude I seek you with this prayer of the good Lord. I thank you for everything you have done in my life and I thank you in advance for everything you will do.. That's why I thank you for everything you are, for every deliverance and for your profound actions that only the Lord knows the reasons for.
The Lord is king, certainly your goodness is difficult to understand in a world full of sin. But I ask that Lord, act in the lives of all my family members, so that you may come and save both me and them for the home. eternal. Although they do not deserve it, just as I do not deserve it, as well as all humanity, I ask because I trust in the blood shed on the cross of Calvary.
Heavenly Father, I know that you are listening to me, because this prayer of the good Lord is my gratitude for having saved me in the color of. Although the Lord has delivered me from several other situations. However, even if something bad happens to me, I know that the Lord has a purpose for everything. Certainly nothing takes the Lord by surprise and the plan for the salvation of mankind involves many things.
My great Father, if anything in my life is preventing me from following you correctly, then help me to change. Take care of me and help me to feel your love and great tenderness. So be the center of my life, May Jesus Christ be my daily thought and meditation. Therefore I ask everything in his name. Amen!
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