Prayer of learning

Listen to the wise and grow in prudence; and the learned acquire skill. Proverbs 1:5

My God, I look for you in this prayer of learning because I know that only from you can I have instruction for eternal salvation. Without your help, there is no way for any human being to lead a safe life. Your word instructed me and guided me to the eternal path and your instruction and your teaching guide me to continuous truth. My Father, I thank you for this immense privilege of listening to me, the Lord being pure holiness and I a poor and miserable sinner. So forgive me my sins and lead me towards eternity.


My prayer for learning is to seek the Lord, because he helps me grow even in this busy world. Therefore, the Lord makes me hear your voice and places me in high places to bring me even closer to you. The Growth that the Lord provides me helps me to become mature for salvation. So Father, I will serve you even if everything seems to conspire against me. I also pray that you will give me the your support at every difficult moment in my life.

My God, help me to learn like the wise men so that my mouth can speak good words to those who are tired and oppressed by the enemy. So help my ear pay attention to your voice, because that way I will be able to distinguish between right and wrong. So, in this prayer of learning, I will listen to your beautiful voice advising me and directing me to your sacred scripture. This is a way of magnifying the Lord through my praiseworthy attitudes.


Dear God, I know that there are things that the Lord gives us so that we can learn. However, I know that there are things that the Lord gives after we learn. So just like Solomon, I ask you for wisdom so that I can be instructed and teach the people the Lord introduces me to.. In this prayer of learning, I ask that you cancel me from the wisdom of the world, which leads people to stray from you.


My God, your word says that the wisdom of the world is enmity against the purest truth, foolishness for the Lord. So also says 'For the wisdom of this world is foolishness before God; for it is written: He catches the wise in their own craftiness. 1 Corinthians 3:19.

My God, help me to have true learning so that I can always walk on straight paths and always be ready to do your will as the patriarchs of the old testament did. I say this prayer of learning because I need to be connected to the only source of light and hope, which is Jesus.

My God, help me to instruct my family so that they can see your straight paths and desire to follow in the footsteps of Christ. May your name be praised and may my life be sanctified in honor of you alone.

Make in me your desire to do so, even if it is a difficult test for me. May the meditation of my heart, may my mind and thus my entire being come to praise you for everything you have done and for everything you will do. Hear this prayer of mine and answer according to your will in the name of Jesus. Amen!

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