Improvement prayer

Wanting the perfection of the saints, for the work of the ministry, for the edification of the body of Christ; Ephesians 4:12

My God, how I wish for this prayer of perfection growth in Spirit and in truth. My life depends on you at all times because without you I am a lost person. The Lord is the one who helps me at all times, transforming my character and strengthening my faith. Although I am not a deserving person, the Lord acts powerfully in my life, preparing me for the high.


So forgive my sins and draw me closer to you in this prayer of perfection. The Lord takes the human being out of the mud pit and changes his life until he reaches the point where everyone is amazed. All of this is possible thanks to the miraculous operation of the Holy Spirit in life.. So how could I stop seeking you daily while neglecting prayer and the study of your word?

That's why I'm here recognizing your greatness and infinite power. Recognizing its wonders because it acted in the past and will certainly act in the present.In this prayer of perfection, the Lord helps me to stand, feeling total dependence on you. Temptations may want to bring me down, life's difficulties may make me doubt the Lord. But may the Lord touch me so that I can look at the works he has done in me so far.


Come to me, my God, with your hand outstretched ready to help me. Just as you did in the past, in the lives of many of your faithful, do in me in the present so that your works accompany me. Listen to this prayer of perfection and help me to be straight in your path. I know I made mistakes on several occasions, but may I always seek the Lord so that everything can be transformed. I feel like an unworthy person, but the cross of Christ shows that the Lord desires my salvation and will fight for me until the last moment.


My heart feels your presence, changes happen for improvement. Therefore, when I am saying this prayer of perfection, a change begins. The Lord acts in a way that we cannot understand at times. Sometimes my expectations are misplaced, because my thoughts are not yours. Although, The Lord puts me high, so I can see enough to see your purpose. In this way, say my prayers for exultation to the Lord who is always by my side.

Eternal God, I know that Christian perfection has to do with the spiritual maturity of those who are increasingly close to you. Therefore, my prayer for improvement and recognizing that I am a sinner and Christ the Savior. Surely through Jesus Christ I have been rescued from the power of darkness into such wonderful light.

So don't let me follow my own paths or lead life according to my will. But the Lord acts within us so that our exterior serves as a testimony to everyone around us. Even if life is not good and there are many circumstances, putting us to the test because in the test we are perfected. This is how we learn to fear you.

I place this prayer of perfection in your hands to be a transformed person prepared for a new heaven and a new earth. In the name of Jesus. Amen

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