O my soul, wait only on God, for my hope comes from him. Psalms 62:5
Eternal God, my soul is often tired until I seek you with this prayer of attachment. The Lord is the one who gives me the strength to move forward because without the Lord I would be completely directionless. So come and be a part of my daily life and help me to always be grateful for everything you have done in my life.
Take my whole being into your hands so that the Lord may mold me completely. I confess my sins to you at this moment, so forgive me and help me to continue walking firmly in your word. The Lord is full of grace and mercy toward the children of men, even towards those who are still in the world. Help me to steady my steps and hold on to the hope that is Jesus.
There is a tightness inside me, so I kneel before you with this prayer of attachment. Because in the Lord I find comfort in my soul, because the Lord rules me, always guiding me on the narrow path. Surely this is the path of eternal life where there is always hope.
Not life outside of you, my God, because the Lord is the creator of everything in this universe. All life comes from you, so even the flowers praise you, bowing to the Lord. My desire is to honor you, no matter the circumstances. However, sometimes they are difficult and I often find myself with a fragile faith. But the Lord understands and loves you anyway.
When I place my hopes in your hands, I seek you intensely with this prayer of attachment. In you there is comfort and hope to live firmly in your sacred word.. So I seek you because it is something in my soul that inclines towards you, for life comes from the Lord.
Restlessness can sometimes take over my mind, so I I pray, seeking that regenerating power that comes from you. Then again I put my feet firmly on the ground until I continue, even though the path seems slippery at times.
When I look at the world around me I see nothing that can help me in times of spiritual struggle. But suddenly I look at the promises that are written in your word and there I sanctify myself. I feel your power coming over me, where your Holy Spirit makes me seek you with this prayer of attachment.
How happy my heart is to feel a complete need of the Lord of hosts. From you certainly comes the peace that everyone needs in their heart.. Then I feel your angels present in my home, I see light where there could be darkness, I hear your advice that transforms me.
Without a doubt, whoever clings to the world clings to death, but whoever seeks the Lord will have salvation. Thus all the faithful will live forever with you and with the faithful who remain steadfast in all ages. That is why I ask you to listen to this prayer of attachment, strengthening me and guiding me.
Fill me with hope, put hope in each of my family members, each of my friends. Hear this prayer because I ask it in the name of Jesus. Amen!
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