Prayer of Courage

“I have told you these things so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have afflictions; however, take heart! I have overcome the world.”John 16:33

Lord God, I come to seek you with all my heart with the prayer of encouragement. Because I know that only in you do I have the strength to move forward. This way I will win because my Jesus was already the winner for me and I embraced faith. What would my life be without Jesus, the author and finisher of my faith?


Good Father, I thank you for listening to me and caring for me at all times. So I give you my life completely so that the Lord can shape it according to your will. Without the Lord I will certainly be shaken by any problem that comes upon me. That's why I give you my life so that the Lord encourages me and strengthens me daily.

Before you I present myself with this prayer of encouragement because it is from the Lord that spiritual vigor for growth comes. The Lord who puts my head on your shoulders and hugs me, giving me comfort. Therefore, I give my life to Jesus so that he be the Lord of my life and transform me.


I give my life to the Lord because I know that he renews my strength every day. So I place my life in your hands because only then can I have peace in your arms. Only the Lord attracts me with his kindness, his love and affection. From the Lord comes determined faith to move forward.


Your peace is above all earthly understanding and the Lord refreshes the soul of the weary. Therefore, I ask you to give me peace of mind in this prayer of encouragement to move forward. Now I know that I will have afflictions here on this earth, yeah the Lord who calms my spirit so that anxiety does not dominate me.

The only thing I want to take over my heart is Jesus Christ. That's why I want him to overflow with joy. So touch my heart, take away all the discouragement from me. Christ conquered the world when he died for me on the cross of Calvary. Therefore gave me his righteousness and I took possession as a blessing of salvation.

I seek you with this prayer of encouragement because I trust in a peace that the world cannot give me. Certainly your infinite greatness was manifested in the flesh through Jesus who saved me. So I have everything at my disposal, I have heaven at my side.

I receive your blessings as eternal gifts, your salvation is my greatest gift. So help me to cling to your truth like a magnet clings to metal. Come to my house and take care of the hearts of all my family members so that they feel your blessing and joy that you give them.

I give my life completely to this prayer of encouragement because the Lord renews my energy. That way the meaning of my life is eternal and your peace is the result of those who follow you.

Even if I follow you I will have afflictions, pain and problems, but with Jesus in my heart I will not be afraid of the challenge. I surrender everything into your hands in the name of Jesus. Amen!

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