Because for God nothing is impossible. Luke 1:37
My beloved God and dear Father, I thank you for your immense mercy, only the Lord answers prayer in the face of the human impossible and allows me to approach you in prayer. Therefore, Father, in advance, I want to thank you for this enormous privilege. How can, oh God, a sinful person approach you without being consumed, only your mercy, the goodness of grace, can grant this?. So, my God, forgive me, strengthen my faith and keep me on your path, direct my steps every day so that I become more like Jesus Christ.
Great Heavenly Father, hallowed be your name, may honor and glory be given only to you. Lord God, I seek you in the face of the human impossible, because, O Father, I don't see something good inside me, and what apparently could be good is certainly because your holy spirit acts in my heart. Therefore, O Father, I seek you, because without your help, Lord God, I am lost, before your face I can contemplate your glory, your beauty that shines like the sun of justice, this hits me with tremendous power that makes shake the heart and place me before your holy presence.
Lord God, I know Father, that You can heal all illnesses, so, Father, I healed those people who are currently experiencing some illnessMay the Lord heal a person who may be experiencing a psychological problem, a family problem that, in human eyes, is impossible to restore. God shows your miracle now, if suddenly, Lord God, I don't have the miracle for what I have been praying for, help me to be my own miracle in people’s lives, help me Father to be your argument to the world.

But eternal Father, I know that great wonders you can do much more than you are, that healing, O God of the human heart, this is the greatest miracle there is. Holy Father, how many times my path did not seem good, both in words, actions or even thoughts, but the Lord touched me, and showed me what I should do. Therefore, O God, the angels are amazed when the Lord answers a prayer in the face of the human impossible. But what angels don't know and will never know is living by faith, even in the face of darkness and when I was losing myself and the Lord, my God, touched me.
That's why Father, I can't stop looking for you, because Christ came here to save me, he came to save my life, Christ gave me a new meaning, in Christ I obtained forgiveness, in Christ I obtained Victory, so I know, my God, that you can do whatever you want, because when a sinner stands before you it is impossible for him not to be healed by your touch Holy, bringing as a result the greatest miracle, which is the healing of the human heart.
Dear God, eternal and great, who gave his Son, he will certainly do the impossible in me, he will certainly do the impossible in the lives of each person in my family, That's why it will do a miracle in the lives of all the people who pray at this moment, placing their lives in your hands.. So Father, fill us with grace and victory and answer my prayer in Jesus name. Amen!
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