Prayer of victory

Don't say: “I will make him pay for the evil he did to me! “Wait for the Lord, and he will give you victory.Proverbs 20:22

Almighty Lord, I seek you with this victory prayer because I believe Christ gave her to me. That's why my life is very safe, because close to Jesus I have everything I need. So I seek the Lord who sees everything, where my victories come from.


Father, I know that the challenges are great and at any moment they can bring me down. But, my God, don't let me lower my head at any time, I don't want to kneel before the enemy, but before the Lord. O God, how good it is to be by your side, forgive my sins, help me walk towards heaven.

Lord God, in this prayer of victory I ask you not to let me return evil for evil. So help me to be like Christ, even though I am not a perfect person. I desire your presence in my life because The Lord is my satisfaction, I am not afraid when I am by your side. Therefore, I give my life to the Lord to take care of it.


I will be in heaven by the grace of Jesus, he embraced me and gave me salvation, so I surrender to you. Father, difficulties can plague me and even make me sad, but I don't want to deviate from that path. Then I will remain firm in the purpose you determined for me. In you I will hold on, I will steady my steps, I will prepare myself for eternity.


How I need the Lord, that's why I seek you with this prayer of victory, rejoicing in serving you from the heart. Come to me, clothe me with power so I can win. So my life will testify to your action in my life. Even in the face of the most hectic storms I will remain standing.

Holy Father, even in the face of storms I see your light behind the clouds. Your love certainly permeates the entire universe, it is immeasurable. So help me to feel it in my life, give me strength to move forward. God, I want to have patience to wait for the final victory. Then give me patience in the struggles of this world, help me to maintain a spiritual home.

Lord God, I know that your promises for the winner are immense. So I seek you with this prayer of victory because my victory is on the cross of Calvary. I want to be firm as a rock and determined to move forward like the apostles. Then I I will not be discouraged because Jesus promised to be with me until the end of the age.

My soul waits in you, God who cares and wants to transform our lives. Thus my life will be consecrated solely to the Lord. But help me to see your guiding hand to eternal victory. Don't let me be in a state of anxiety, but wait on you doing my part.

Hallowed be your name, may your kingdom come soon. I end this prayer of victory by asking and giving thanks, in the name of Jesus. Amen!

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