Prayer of transformation

I was crucified with Christ. Thus, it is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me. The life that I now live in the body, I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me.Galatians 2:20

My eternal God, Paul certainly made his prayer of transformation because this is clear in these verses. Your truth certainly transformed the life of this beloved apostle in the sacred scriptures. So it is no wonder that he had firm faith in you, as attached to the Lord as a magnet to metal. The Lord transformed Paulo's life and that's why his biggest struggle was to prevent old Saul from returning. As he was once a persecutor, he later became persecuted because of the gospel.


This way I say this prayer of transformation because my desire for change is exactly the same as his. Surely, my God, when Jesus dwells entirely in the human heart he makes enormous changes. Therefore, give me your salvation and help me to cling to the merits of my beloved savior Jesus Christ. Without Jesus Christ, my God, I will not be saved, but your Holy Spirit touched my heart and began a process of profound restoration.

So I can't help but say this prayer of transformation. In this way I could serve you in spirit and in truth so that your grace may be abundant over my life. Soon I will be able to testify to people how much your gospel transformed my life. Even though I don't deserve anything you give me, in Romans 5 verse 8 it says that the Lord proves his own love for us by the fact that he gave Jesus to us while we were still sinners.


That is why my soul continues to rejoice with such joy. This way I say this prayer of transformation because I believe that the greatest miracle is really there. Therefore, I ask that you touch the hearts of each relative in my family and visit my friends and give strength to my brothers. Holy God, I need you greatly, because I am sure that one day I will be able to say like Paul: I no longer live, but Christ lives in me!


So my God consolation I know that the greatest cure that exists is not for a disease but for the human heart. How to understand a transformed heart when it was previously in sin. That's why I can't stop loving you, because you don't abandon me in the midst of struggles and pain. But you are continually acting powerfully in my life, so that in this way I can dwell in your eternal kingdom forever and ever.

My God and Father, I present this prayer of transformation to the Lord so that he may help me to always be in your hands forever. So dwell in me and save me, support me at all times, change my entire being. This way I will feel peace and joy because being with the Lord means having everything at my disposal. All this I present before you for the love of my beloved savior Jesus. Amen!

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