In you, O Lord, I take refuge; let me never be put to shame. Psalms 71:1. It is better to take refuge in the Lord than to put confidence in man. Psalms 118:8
Every day I put myself in prayer of refuge because I am sure that shelter is only in the Lord of hosts. I know that just as a bird places its young under its wings, the Lord places us under his protection.. So then I have confidence in seeking you daily because the Lord is the help for my life.
Life passes very quickly, but it brings many good and bad things with it, with the enemy's arrows being constant, say this prayer of refuge. This way I will be under your daily protection, my life can be under your guard. My life will be lived under your shield, and in your word I will trust daily.
I know that with the Lord I can win because he makes giants out of all those who are small and diminishes all those who think they are great.. Surely from deep down the Lord lifts us up, takes us to your side and rebukes the enemy of souls. Then I will not be ashamed even if men mock me, because I am with the God of wisdom. Soon all those who remain in sin and do not accept your grace and still persecute your people will be ashamed.
All those who seek you with a prayer of refuge will be able to feel your guiding hand that takes them to peaceful places.. So all those who are in your hands will not be cornered by the devil, they will know in whom I have believed. Therefore, my mighty God, if by chance I stray from your path, please put me back on it. Because great Father, my life can only have meaning with the Lord by my side. It is not worth living if you are not in my heart. That is why the psalmist says: It is better to seek refuge in the Lord than to trust in man.
So my trust, dear Father, will not come from men, because I must not trust in something that is changeable, but in the Lord who never changes. I know that my trust in man is limited to his human frailties, but yours are never fragile..
Therefore I will cling to your grace, I will always look at the cross of Calvary, it will be my meditation in the morning and at bedtime. And so may it be, throughout my day, I can look at your mercies in every situation that occurs to me.. Therefore I wish to be a channel of blessings, so hear my prayer for refuge and place me under your eternal care.
At this moment the Lord knows how my heart is, look inside it, I don't know how to express myself correctly but I know that the Lord understands and helps. So help me to feel your wonderful power over my life and see the shield you have placed in front of me.. Likewise I pray to always recognize your kindness.
Help me to see your protection from all sides, even when something bad seems to hit me. This way I can see beyond what many see because the Holy Spirit is the one who opens our eyes to contemplate your love, forgiveness and protection. So hear this prayer of refuge in the name of Jesus. Amen!
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