Jacob's Prayer

Then the man said, “Let me go, for the day has dawned.” But Jacob answered him, “I will not let you go unless you bless me.” The man asked him, “What is your name? “Jacob,” he replied. Then he said to the man, “Your name will no longer be Jacob, but Israel, because you have fought with God and with men and have won.” Genesis 32:26-28

I look for you, my God, doing the same Jacob's prayer, because he fought with the Lord until he got forgiveness. He desired the blessing that can only come from you, beloved Lord. So I now ask for forgiveness for my sins, because I want to be very well with the Almighty Lord. I put my life in your hands because I want your care. Certainly falling into your hands is better than falling into the hands of the enemy.


Jacob's prayer was a cry for help for his afflicted soul due to the great mistake he made, but he believed in divine forgiveness. So I seek you fervently because I will honor you with everything I have and everything I am. That's why I seek you tirelessly, my desire is to honor you absolutely, praying, trusting in your promises.

Come, my God, look inside me, search my heart, see if there is any evil and guide me along the eternal path. Change my story, just as Jacob's situation changed, that way I will have peace in my heart. My dear Father, may the light of your Spirit fill my entire life. Make me shine, living and showing your truth.


In this patriarch's great request I place mine, because I greatly desire to be what you want. Certainly no human being can save himself, so Christ came to rescue us. So, Lord God, although I don't see a ladder like Jacob, I see by faith your holy angels working for my life. So I thank you because the whole sky moves to help me, even though I am a weak and failing being.


Praise the Lord, because he answered Jacob's prayer, he heard his cry, his voice that was with sincere repentance. So, I draw closer to you to become firmer in faith. So, my God, in you I am always confident, forward to win.

When evil tries to attack me and the evil one comes with his arrows, I know that I can cry out to the Lord at all times. So I also ask for blessings for myself and my family. Put it in the hearts of each of them to hold on to their promises.

Even if life brings several obstacles, I will certainly cling to you. Even, Holy Father, change my character in the same way you changed Jacob's name to Israel, a man who fought with God. Soon I will also be persevering like this patriarch, holding your hands spiritually.

My God, Jacob's prayer changed his life, as it brought peace to his afflicted soul. So give me peace and an immense spirit of gratitude for what you have done. It is with immense gratitude that I place myself in your hands, because I know that you know my cause and how important it is to me.

As Jacob asked for your blessing and the Lord responded by changing his name, showing an eternal purpose, I want it too. However, even if I don't need to change my name, I want my heart changed, I wish for a new life and an experience with you, Lord. Hear, answer my prayer, I ask in the name of Jesus. Amen!

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