Let not mercy and truth forsake you; bind them around your neck; write them on the tablet of your heart.Proverbs 3:3
My great God, hear this of mine daily prayer of faithfulness, I will remain faithful to the Lord at all costs. Only the Lord is a compassionate God who cares about our interests. From now on, forgive my sins and those of my family and save us for your kingdom.
May the Lord be exalted both here on earth and in heaven and in all infinite space. And I long to be by your side forever one day. So I will prepare myself for that great moment by trusting in your power and infinite grace. Because I do not want to be separated from you, for you are the source of life..
This daily prayer of fidelity is because I want to remain firm until the end of my life. So give me strength to move forward. Dear God, I know that You are walking with me because I have placed my life and that of my family in Your hands. So help me stay strong so I don't stumble at the most important times.
The Lord is without a doubt my God and king, so I firm my steps in the Christian walk that the Lord has called me to. May your kingdom come in my heart, so I will live for you all the days of my life because the Lord is faithful and just. So I am attracted to you because you are a source of life and hope for all humanity.
I place my hopes before your altar, so sanctify me and illuminate my life for the honor and glory of your name. In this prayer of daily fidelity, I cling to the cross of Christ, for in this way I stand firm in the redemption that was given to me. I will keep walking and dedicating, so give me strength to not give up on this journey.
I know that You are a God who cares about every detail of my life. That is why I exalt Your name. Be with the members of my household and touch the heart of each one because I care about them and desire to live in glory with everyone. In the face of this life's journey, I want, despite the problems, to trust in you..
I will seek you every morning with this prayer of daily fidelity, clinging by faith to the merits of Christ on the cross of Calvary. In this way I will grow in grace because it is sufficient for each day of my life. In this way I will enjoy all eternity with the redeemed who have been faithful in all ages.
Your faithfulness is greater than anyone can offer, so it has no limits. That is why I will trust in your promise daily because it will certainly be fulfilled in my life. May your kingdom first come upon my heart and may my soul be transformed by your Holy Spirit.
Lord God, may this prayer of daily fidelity reach your ears and may you act according to what is best for me. One day I will meet you, too. I will be able to hug my Jesus and soon after my loved ones will die saved.
May this prayer of mine reach your altar, my beloved God, in the name of Jesus. Amen!
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