Surrender Prayer

Therefore, do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will bring its worries; the day is enough for its own evil. Matthew 6:34

In this surrender prayer I present myself as a sinner that I am, with all my faults because I know that those who sincerely repent forgive. In the past, you abandoned all those who were placed in your hands even though they were the worst people at the time. It was the Lord who forgave the Ninevites when they repented of a warning Jonah gave them.


All of this fulfills the prophecy of Christ, because these promises are faithfully true to everyone who believes. In this prayer of surrender I place my whole heart in your hands so that the Lord may transform it for the honor and glory of your name. Then do not let me become attached to this land, but let my sacrifice be genuine, abandoning everything that displeases the Lord.

So help me to always seek your answer and not live restlessly with enormous anxiety in the morning. When I turn to you a great light from above shines upon my life and gives me the distinction between right and wrong. Soon there will be no excuse for those who do not give their lives to the Lord.


My God, hear this prayer of surrender and free me from all the worries of everyday life. Do not allow the cares of this life to overwhelm my mind, trapping me in the things of this earth. If the world lies with the evil one, I will not seek the things that the evil one offers me. So your Holy Spirit already acts powerfully in my life so that I can overcome the flesh, sin and the devil


In this prayer of delivery I place my dreams and all the goals to achieve them in your hands. I also offer it to each of my family members so that the Lord can help them understand the real meaning of happiness. In this way you will be able to look to Jesus Christ, the author and finisher of our faith.. I thank you for the wonderful grace in Christ, because then I believe that your righteousness will be credited to my account. May the illusion not overload the brain but may it be attentive to all common situations in life.

That's why every time I say a prayer of surrender, the thought comes to me that I must give my body as a living sacrifice. This means that words, actions and thoughts and everything I am must be delivered to your altar to be purified.

May the light of your grace shine every moment I am saying this prayer of surrender. This way your eyes will walk over my house, giving peace and comfort not only to me, but to all those who are in that environment.

But first of all help me to be like Christ so that I can dwell in your eternal kingdom. So is mine protector.

So here I finish pouring out my prayer to the Lord because I desire your presence continually. Then contemplating the glory of Christ daily I will be a transformed person in his image and likeness.

I thank you my God for all this opportunity, so help me take advantage, listen to this prayer of surrender and help me get up whenever I fall. In the name of my beloved savior Jesus Christ. Amen!

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