I press on toward the goal to win the prize of God's heavenly calling in Christ Jesus. Philippians 3:14
God, I surrender myself once again to You with this prayer of determination because it is the Lord who encourages me with your word to always remain firm. I thank you for keeping my faith firm and persevering, continuing towards the goal like the apostle Paul.
I recognize that I have no power in myself to overcome, except through the Holy Spirit. He certainly vivifies my soul and changes my character every day. Thus I grow in grace and faith for eternal life. Therefore I praise your name because your actions are powerful in my life.
I am sure that my prayer of determination is not in vain, because I am not a person full of self, but of gratitude for what Christ has done for me. Therefore, strengthen me every day, and help me not to forget what the Lord has done for me in the past. In the same way I want to look at all your deeds in the lives of all your servants.
I certainly know where I am going with this determination and faith because your word instructs me on the right path. Certainly at one time or another I may become discouraged, but may I not grow cold in faith and never abandon you. So, whether going through suffering or not, I want to praise your name, whether it's a good or bad day, I want to exalt your holiness.
I surrender myself completely to the Lord with this prayer of determination. Therefore I ask you to sanctify my soul and prepare me for your kingdom. However, I also want you to help me to be an instrument to save others. Therefore I ask you toand I ask that you save my family because I want to be with them in your eternal kingdom.
I feel the Lord by my side when I stop to meditate and seek You with this prayer of determination. So the Lord gives me Help with tests when I am passing through increasingly narrow paths.
I will only win the prize of the niece of vocation because I cling to the merits of Christ on the cross of Calvary. Then I know that the blood of Christ cleanses me from all unrighteousness placing me close to a holy and pure atmosphere.
So how can a sinner deserve salvation? There is no way, my Father, so I surrender myself to you with this prayer of determination. So I surrender and stay focused on the target, the one Paul had when he preached in that land.
I don't want to forget you ever, so help me with my fears, and my traumas in every problem that can serve as an obstacle in my life. So With your help I know I will have the power to get up even when I am exhausted..
Take my heart in your hands, I want to be completely yours. So I also want to feel your Holy Spirit taking complete control of my life. So May peace, love, faith and hope always be present in my life. All this I ask in the name of Jesus. Amen!
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