And great crowds followed him, and he healed them there. Matthew 19:2
Holy God of Israel and also of all who seek you in divine healing prayer. I say this because only those people who are faithful seek you with all their heart. So come warm my soul and bring about a great healing in my life because only the Lord is capable of doing this.
That is why the greatest healing I ask of you is that of the human heart, because that is where people can notice the greatest miracle that exists. That is why when Jesus came to earth he was concerned about everyone around him, whether rich or poor. I feel warmed by Jesus' embrace in me and ready to heal me according to His will whenever He wants..
When I come to you with this prayer for Divine healing, it is because I believe with all my heart that you are capable of performing enormous miracles. In fact, it was the Lord who created the heavens, the earth and the sea. The Lord is the God of miracles, he has done great things in the past and continues to do so in the present.. Those who fight against you are lost, but I move forward by faith through your Holy Spirit.
I am grateful for this moment of honor and seeking you, knowing that you can bring healing to my heart in every situation in my life. So I thank you for freeing and saving me, for Christ dying in my place. So I can be today in this moment praying to the Lord for the miracle of transformation in my life.
This prayer for divine healing is because I desire at all times that your presence be present in my life. In this way I will testify through what I do and live to everyone around me. I will testify to your powerful healing.
May your will be done in me, both to will and to do, so that I may exalt and honor your name forever. Just like the crowd, I want to follow you, because your hands have always been extended to heal. Just as He cared about all those crowds, the Lord cares about me and my family too.
So listen to this prayer of divine healing and direct my steps and those of all my family members towards eternity. I feel that my soul will rejoice, trusting that the Lord will fulfill what he promised. Although the Lord does not err, I do err, so do not let me fail and maintain steadfastness of purpose for your exaltation and honor.
Your healing is wonderful, for it gave sight to the blind, made the lame walk, made the deaf hear, and raised the dead to life. But, my God, none of these miracles are greater than the healing of the human heart. May the miracle that the Lord began to perform in me come to an end for your honor and glory..
May your will be done in my life. Heal all the sick who are in the hospital at this moment and come and hold in your arms of love and mercy all those who are suffering.
I end this prayer for divine healing by placing my life completely in your hands. In the name of Jesus. Amen!
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