Fight the good fight of faith. Lay hold of the eternal life to which you were called and to which you confessed the good confession in the presence of many witnesses.1 Timothy 6:12
I thank you my God for being here at this moment with this combat prayer of faith. Paul had a living faith and remained firm until the end of his life. Now he said that he awaits that great day when he will receive the crown of life forever. Then my faith will grow, because the Lord gives me His forgiveness when I repent and still gives me power to advance in the Christian walk.
Therefore I will not abandon you, I will pray my prayer of combat of faith because the powerful power of the Holy Spirit touches my heart every day. So I wake up every day and see that my life has an eternal meaning. How could I not wake up like this, when the Lord performs a daily miracle in my life? Almighty God remembers me daily. That is why I am grateful for unconditional love, even though I do not deserve it, He cares about me and puts me in high places.
God of love and mercy, Every moment I try to move forward a barrier comes upon me, but the Lord sends His angels to help me. I will seek your grace daily and bathe in it so that I may be clean before your presence. Though my heart may pound when anguish overwhelms me, I find comfort in Jesus Christ, for I see your kindness.
When I seek you, my God, with this prayer of combat of faith I feel your hand holding me and lifting me up. Then I realize that it is a call for me to keep moving forward, even if great barriers are before me.. Although I am not worthy, I recognize my Pekingese and that I am nothing without the blood of Christ on Calvary. There salvation happened, that is why I am here at this moment praying as a result of your eternal work.
Me help me fight a good fight and finish my race and keep the faith and await the treasure that will be given to all the redeemed on that day. I will hold on to your truth, without giving up on your path and seeing the faith that the ancient faithful lived. I will be firm like them even in my anguish and affliction. In the same way, no pain will be enough to separate me from you.
I will continue to seek You with this prayer of combat of faith because the Lord was on the side of Paul and all the apostles. In the same way, the Lord was on the side of all the patriarchs and prophets. So also the Lord has been with all those who have remained steadfast in the faith throughout the ages. My heart seeks you every day because it finds security in you forever. So I will take firm steps, always trusting that the Lord will give me what I need.
My God and Father, I love to seek You and place myself in Your hands because You are the living hope. Because The Lord sent his Son into the world to die so that all those who believe in you may be saved. Protect not only me but also my family, friends and your children who are waiting on this earth. In the name of Jesus. Amen!
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