Abner's Prayer

“Dear God, we cry out to you, for you are our father. God and Savior, our hearts long to give to you.


His Word blesses and renews us every day. Give us a brave heart to bear the anguish of our time.

Let your light reflect on us, so that people can see you. Then the need in the world will come to an end, his name will be honored, and his will will be done.

Lord God, only you are our strength, our fortress. Have compassion for us. Extend your immense love so that all people turn to you and your commandments, and that your will be done on Earth. Amen"

The Importance of Prayer of the Day

It is through prayer that our flesh is sacrificed, because the act of praying is a moment to empty oneself and be filled with God. Our spirit is fed by communion with our Father. There are battles, temptations and addictions that only lose their “dominance” strength when you are on your knees asking the Lord God for strength


Powerful Prayer

Yes, our prayer has power, because God uses our prayers to perform his miracles. The Bible says that God gives power to prayer. Praying to God transforms our lives, prayer is powerful

Prayer is very important in the life of a Christian. When we pray, we become closer to God. Therefore, it is very important to create the habit of praying in all situations.

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