Prayer of daily struggles

And for this I also work, fighting according to its effectiveness, which works powerfully in me.Colossians 1:29

Lord, my beloved God, here I am seeking you with this prayer of daily struggles. The Lord is certainly the one who renews my energy and takes me to your corner of tenderness and compassion. I seek you and prepare to meet my beloved Jesus.


Father, the Bible says that our fight is not against blood and flesh, but against the dark powers of this world, the spiritual forces of evil. So help me fight the good fight of faith and remain firm in Jesus. Before you I present myself because I have power only in the Lord.

In my prayer of daily struggles I enter into communion with you, walking every day at your side. So I will not give up, but give your Holy Spirit to remain faithful. Strengthen my soul, beaten down and tired by life's problems. I consecrate my heart to the Lord so that I may have renewal of energy.


I depend on you solely, to the Lord I owe my existence and everything I have. You know my struggles at home, help my family members not to conflict with each other. At work I will be witnessing for the Lord, so help me face any conflict. I seek strength in you because the Lord renews my interior completely.


I consecrate my mind to the Lord, I enter into communion with you with this prayer of daily struggles. Thus the Lord will change everything that needs to be changed in me. Be my refuge, my safe haven in the struggles of life. I place my hopes in the Lord because you are my emotional guide, you help me conquer my goals.

Beloved God, the Lord is the source of life, from you flows the fountain of blessings for humanity. But I want that blessing that is only possible through faith. So take possession of it for eternal life. So I will be with you forever and ever. I I will then be able to see your face, I will rejoice with everyone who fought until the end.

My God, the apostle Paul persevered until the end of his life, fighting the good fight of faith. I also want to persevere, that's why I seek you with this prayer of daily struggles. Help me in every conflict: with myself, with people and direct attacks from the enemy. Thus I will stand in your grace, I will hold fast to your righteousness.

The Lord is my refreshment for my soul tired of struggles. But the Lord is an expert at turning bad things into blessings. So what about the good things? Soo help me to continue being firm, so I can be a light to the world because Jesus gives me that.

Great God, I am with you every day because you renew me, change my life and prepare me for heaven. Your kingdom come upon me, I prostrate myself with this prayer of daily struggles, bowing to the Lord. So I participate in your daily blessings, I become more attached to your divine truth always.

My God, I trust in you because I have everything I need from you to keep me in faith and not abandon your path. So save me for your kingdom in the name of my beloved savior Jesus. Amen!

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