Prayer of difficulties

You dominate the raging sea; when its waves rise, you calm them. Psalms 89:9. can say to the Lord: You are my refuge and my fortress, my God, in whom I trust. Psalms 91:2

Lord, I thank you for having this opportunity to do this prayer for difficulties. Jesus suffered as a man here on this earth, giving me salvation, so I cling to your grace firmly without letting go of Christ's hands. So save me for your kingdom each day, helping me to remain in your daily presence at all times.


The Lord rules over all things, so whoever surrenders to the Lord has the almighty at his side forever. Faced with this situation, I give my life, I place myself in your hands of unparalleled compassion and mercy.

Calm the storms of my life with the strong power that comes from your voice. In this prayer of difficulties I place myself under your protection because only in you do I have the security I deserve. From the Lord comes unlimited power for all moments. So take my life in your hands completely.


God, make me my home, give me strength to get through the day. This way I will remain strong even in the face of the worst circumstances in life. My wish is to always be by your side, always connected to the Lord to face the biggest barriers in life.


I make supplications to you because I always desire your blessings, because the Lord is full of compassion and power to save. So I seek you with this prayer of difficulties, because I want to be by your side forever.

If situations are very bad in my life, first calm my inner self to support me. But it also calms the storm around so that I feel your imposing presence more every day. Certainly The Lord is my refuge and strength in every problem in life, it is God who gives cheer in all moments.

My heavenly Father, I seek the Lord with this prayer of difficulties. Although I know that I will not always have peace of mind on this earth, the Lord gives me strength and comfort to continue towards heaven. Then may heaven be born first in my heart.

In you I trust, that's why I pray, from you comes strength, that's why I trust in the Lord. Thus my life of faith will be strengthened because Jesus vivifies my life. Before the Lord I say my prayers because I believe he can perform great miracles in my life.

In this prayer of difficulties I seek strength, and I know that it can only come from you. So move my life in surprising ways. Bring me close to your protection and help me go through all the trials. That way no challenge will be too much for me because I have Jesus by my side.

I ardently desire your sanctifying presence in my life, I want everything you wish for me. Take away from me the difficulties that my own mind imposes. Come and do a powerful work so that pain and suffering do not take me away from you.

By faith take possession of your blessings, by faith I seek you with this prayer of difficulties. Praise the Lord for hearing me and answering me according to your will, I ask in the name of Jesus. Amen!

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