Prayer of victory in faith

For whatever is born of God overcomes the world; and this is the victory that has overcome the world, even our faith.1 John 5:4

My beloved King is Lord, here I am with this prayer of victory in faith preparing myself for you every day. I certainly want to be by your side at all times because the Lord welcomes us and comforts our hearts. Therefore, the first thing I ask is forgiveness for my sins and for any failure that I do not remember.


Before the Lord I place all my uncertainties, my discouragements and all the things that can shake my faith. So come and lift me up whenever I fall at some point. Be the center of my life like this. my thoughts are firmly connected to the Lord by faith.

As I seek you with this prayer of victory in faith, I trust in these words of First John. For whoever is born of you overcomes the world. Therefore I will cling to you. to your promises that are true and eternal and I will always trust in the Lord.


It is so good to be with you, seeking in prayer and strengthening my faith through your Spirit. Come and give me strength when my faith is shaken to the point where I sink like a leaky boat. May I see the Lord walking on the waters before the waves of the world and saying: Do not be afraid!


Help me to always believe in what you promise because your word is not a lie, but the eternal truth. In this prayer of victory in faith I ask that you give me victory over all evil and all the power that wants to bring me down. So increase the flame of faith and hope in me, always helping me to trust in you and have the contentment that you wish for me.

I know that I am nothing without Jesus, so I pour myself out at your feet. Surely your grace has become the salvation of all men, so I cling to it by faith. As Your promises are for the winner, I want this blessed victory for my life.

I place my family in this prayer of victory in faith, help them to have faith in Christ and accept your truth. In the same way, keep firm in the faith of those who have given their lives to the Lord. So Eternal Father, they will not be lost but will believe and embrace the truth with all their hearts..

Before the Lord I kneel and pray, so help me to meditate on you at all times. May my faith become practical and may I use it for the honor and glory of your name. So also do not allow me to have a type of blind faith. I will keep my faith with a broken heart and firm in the truth.

Holy Father, help me to remain firm and always seek you with this prayer of victory in faith. I depend entirely on you, so come show me always what you want from me. Listen to this prayer of victory in faith and answer it as you see fit.

Save me for your kingdom and help me prepare people to meet Jesus and live eternity. In His name I ask. Amen!

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