Prayer of victory in Christ

But thanks be to God, who gives us victory through our Lord Jesus Christ. 1 Corinthians 15:57

My God, I'm coming for you with this prayer for victory in Christ I feel great joy in my heart for being part of your people. Surely the Lord is the centre of all things, for from you comes life, light and hope for humanity. So I wouldn't put the Lord second in my life.


Holy One of Israel, come and dwell in me and give me strength to walk daily in your eternal way. How good it is to be by your side, come into me with the power of your Holy Spirit. May your will be done in my life and may victory be my daily quest. It was exactly on the cross of Calvary that I found peace and happiness, that's why I'm here looking for you.

I look up to heaven and bow to you with this prayer of victory in Christ, so I place myself at your feet to grow spiritually. In this way I I recognise that I am nothing but you are everything. Then I will not fail to follow what is right because your truth transforms everyone who believes. With the Lord I have all strength I need.


Look at me right now, look inside my soul, because the Lord has the power to do it. So I believe that the Lord is the powerful God who can transform our lives and give us a new existence. That's why I surrender my life to you, because Jesus has given me life and hope. So help me to embrace this tremendous victory won on the cross of Calvary.


My beloved Father, in this prayer of victory in Christ I place all that I have and all that I am in your hands forever. Take care of me and make a wall in my heart so the enemy can't get through. Surely you alone have the power to overcome evil. So before you I place my life forever.

How good it is to be firmly by your side and to know that I am on the side of the Victory that has already been won. I walk through this life not wandering aimlessly but in the direction of eternity. I I may suffer in this world, but I also know that there will never be suffering again.

May this prayer of victory in Christ ascend like a sweet savour to your throne. Then my soul will be filled with joy because I know in whom I have believed and the power I have from you. On the cross of Calvary is my victorythat my sins be forgiven because I believe in Christ's forgiveness in my life.

Through your Spirit I place myself in your hands daily, so that I can comfort my downcast soul. I thank you for your kindness and mercy in the face of difficult circumstances. Praise be to your name because the Lord is worthy of all exaltation and worship.

I want to end this prayer for Victory in Christ by placing not only my life but also the lives of all my family members in your hands. That's why I ask you to take care of each one of them. Then come and help those who haven't yet given their lives to the Lord and strengthen the faith of those who are still standing firm..

God, may your will be done on earth as it is in heaven, to the honour and glory and exaltation of your name. All this I ask in the name of Jesus. Amen!

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