Prayer of virtue

And you also, putting all diligence into this, add to your faith virtue, and to virtue knowledge, and to knowledge temperance, and to temperance patience, and to patience godliness, and to godliness brotherly love, and to brotherly love and charity. 2 Peter 1:5-7

How can I have the greatest blessings in my life unless by praying the prayer of virtue, where the Lord is the giver of all gifts. It is very good to ascend to the heights of Heaven in prayer to you, my holy God. The virtues that the Lord gives to human beings are meant to be wonderful for their lives. Your gifts, Lord, are for us to better serve others. Forgive me, my eternal God, who lives and reigns forever and ever. I thank you for your immense kindness, loving me and caring for me, even without me deserving anything you offer me.


My God, help me to have a spirit of gratitude for your precious virtues of the Holy Spirit. I want to see you face to face, thanking you personally for everything you have done, for everything you are going to do, so I thank you. I present myself before you with a prayer of virtue, because the Lord distributes it to every human being. May I be a diligent person, who does not give up, but moves forward, even in the face of difficulties.

My desire is to add virtue to my faith, with all the faith and hope placed in you. Lord, if you look inside me, there will be nothing good in me, but my desire is to be transformed. Take my own opinion away from me and give me true science so that I can have the true opinion, based on your word.


Your word in 2 Peter speaks of adding knowledge to temperance, so help me to have high control. Help me control my appetite, help me control my desires so that I do not become a slave to my desires. May I be temperate, not using what is bad, having moderation in what is good.


God, may impatience not dominate me, so I present the prayer of virtue because I need patience to go through the difficult phase. Lord God, help me to be patient like Moses, pure like Joseph and temperate like Daniel.

My God, help me to have the true piety, do not allow illusion to dominate my heart. Lord, may I not live by appearance, but by your will, with a heart that springs sanctification. God, may true piety be cultivated in my heart, may my actions be pleasing in your eyes. Help me honor your name. May the grace of Jesus be something that transforms my heart and results in grace daily.

I place my life in your hands, advancing in faith by the virtue of the Holy Spirit. May the grace of Jesus and the love of you, God the Father and the communion of the Holy Spirit be in me and with all your people. Amen!

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