Prayer of Vigilance

Watch and pray, lest you enter into temptation; the spirit, indeed, is willing, but the flesh is weak. Mark 14:38

My God and eternal Father, who answers the prayer of vigilance, I approach once again with a spirit of gratitude for your grace given to sinners of which I also am one.  Lord God, I want, because I desire to be continually in your presence, which is blessed. Forgive my faults, also forgive, O Holy Father, the sins of my family members, they do not yet know you but I know that the Lord will make it known to them.


As a guard is vigilant so that thieves do not enter, so may I be vigilant so that the enemy does not enter my life. Make me, Lord, a safe tower, where your holy angels are present, guarding me. Help me to keep myself in prayer, that I may watch as Christ watched. Help me pray like Daniel, spend more time with you, presenting my adoration, my confessions and my desires. May I always be willing to listen to your voice in my prayer of vigilance. Help me look for you in moments of tranquility, Wake me up in the early morning if you wish, bring me to you, Lord.

God, I know I am weak, I am not worthy, but your precious grace has reached me. Life passes and brings a lot of things, the clashes are great, but a faithful watchman is always attentive. May I hear your commanding voice, may it grow every day, always begging for great blessings and such mercy.

God, I distrust myself, as a failure that I am, sometimes I seem to fall, then the Lord lifts me up. The Lord keeps me firm, helps me with your faithful right hand. God, one thing I know for sure is that I need you, the only one capable of looking at me and transforming my life. Prayer of vigilance is a prayer of recognition by the sinner of his possibility of making mistakes. So, Father, help me to be prepared for that great day. Help me to be standing at the return of Christ, but if I die before, may it be the death of the righteous.


Take care of me, O God, take care of my life, help me to remain vigilant so that I do not slip onto the path of evil. I need you like a thirsty person needs water in the desert, Strengthen my life with your ever tender love. May my spirit be ready, may my flesh not descend into the pit of the lost, but descend to the feet of Christ, where there is redemption. Lift me up with your living voice that brought everything into existence, touch me with your power, remove from me what keeps me away from you. Keep me vigilant, touch my heart.

Dear God, Christ will return to earth to seek out his vigilant people, I want to be with these people.

Keep me vigilant at work, keep me vigilant in finances, in family life and even among friends and brothers of faith.

May my prayer extend to Heaven, may my supplications be answered, May my communion studying the Bible be my strengthMay the Lord be my everything, my great friend, shepherd, guide, protector and only God for all eternity, through Jesus. Amen!

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