Prayer of full life

The thief comes only to steal, kill and destroy; I came that they might have life, and have it to the full. John 10:10

My God, I thank you in advance for the opportunity for this moment of  full life prayer. Surely in you I have all the comfort I need to face the struggles of this life. Although the enemy does not rest day or night to overthrow your people, killing and destroying, the Lord came to bring full life in the midst of conflict.


So take care of me every day and help me live the full life that Christ promised. I even ask you not to let me look at the difficulties I have in front of me. In this way I will no longer look at the enemy, but upwards, at the omnipotent power. So in this prayer of full life I want Lord in my life, prepare me for your eternal kingdom.

Be with me every day, my God, may I not cling to the evils around me, but to the Lord with all my strength. Therefore I pray that you take care of me, that I feel your daily support. This way I will not be a person confused by the enemy of souls who tries to destroy me every day. But I will hold fast to Christ Jesus my mediator, because it is written in your word that where sin abounds under the hand of Grace.


Christ showed me in the sacred scriptures what it means to have a full life, this is possible even in the midst of pain. That's why your kingdom is in my heart, like this I will not fear for a moment because the Lord is with me. I thank you for sending your Son to die for me and be my eternal righteousness. Certainly Christ is the lion of the tribe of Judah, a wonderful counselor, a strong God and prince of peace.


So I ask you to listen to this prayer of full life, because by your side I have everything I need. Therefore, I also ask that visit my father, my mother, as well as brothers, relatives and friends. Make a miracle in their lives, help them look to the sky and see the beloved Savior at your side interceding for them.

May my being come to feel much better in you daily, because I will have comfort in my soul every time I think that heaven gave everything to save me. Christ died for me, being my righteousness. Certainly it was not simply to show that he is good, but to redeem the human race from the power of darkness into his marvelous light.

Come help me be an instrument of blessing for people, this way they will understand that the truth can transform your lives forever. This way I know that it is incredible how it is written in Psalm 40:8. “I delight to do your will, O my God, your law is within my heart.

My desire is to praise you, Lord, center of my life. So I will look to the Lord, even when the sky is falling on my head. Even when everyone criticizes me, I will be with you. So answer this prayer of full life in the name of Jesus. Amen!

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