Prayer of true freedom

Now the Lord is that Spirit; and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty. 2 Corinthians 3:17

My God, my dear father, I thank you for prayer of true freedom. Thus my communion with you increases even more. In this way I will be faithful, transformed by the Holy Spirit. Then act powerfully in my life so that I may honor you in every way.


Help me to feel daily that I am freed by Christ, because His power is what transforms my life and gives me peace in my heart. Then my life gives you thanks because the Lord has great deeds. I see through the Holy Spirit how wonderful your grace is.

Look at me right now praying this prayer of true Freedom. Because it was exactly the Holy Spirit that helped me see beyond because it is natural. So in my daily conflicts I can see your liberation.


Look at me, hear my voice, for mercy because there is no salvation for anyone outside of Christ. So that the Spirit of truth enter my life and help me to live this eternal truth forever. For this I want to always be in communion with you with prayer of power.


I need you greatly because I know that the Lord has acted in the past, performing great miracles among your people and people of other nations. I thank you, my God, for The Lord never abandons mankind.

It is precisely in your arms of mercy that I find the solution to all my challenges in life. So give me power and strength to face and overcome all the challenges that I will face. In this way, I will win the war by remaining firm at the feet of Christ, my resurrected Savior. In this way, my communion with you will continually exalt your name.

Every time I seek You with this prayer of true Freedom I find joy in serving You because I know You are always by my side. So Help me not to doubt ever gave you wonderful power that frees us from the power of darkness, brings us into his marvelous light.

Take care of me always, and when my eyes are clouded by problems, may I understand that the Holy Spirit is freedom. This same Spirit The Holy Spirit came into my heart and made a big change.

So I thank you for this great miracle in my life. Bring me closer to your presence so that I may be more enlightened and transformed each day by your regenerating power.

May this prayer of true Freedom ascend to your throne of grace and may the Lord hear and answer according to what He deems best for my life. So may your name be praised and magnified forever for the Lord is worthy of all this. I will praise you with all that I am for the honor and glory of your wonderful name, my God.

Take my dear brothers into your hands and also be with all my relatives and help them understand the path to Freedom. So we can firmly follow your path in a just and complete way because the Lord will be with them.

Forgive my sins and each one of them, save each one of them for your exaltation and honor. Fulfill in me what you desire and help me to walk uprightly. Thus I will walk firmly, always seeking your sacred word because therein lies my instruction in the fight against the enemy.

I know that this prayer for true Freedom is heard by you, my eternal Father. So I will always make a covenant with you to strengthen myself in faith more and more. In the name of Jesus I ask for all this. Amen!

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