Prayer of union with Christ

Teach me, Lord, your way, and I will walk in your truth; unite my heart to the fear of your name. Psalms 86:11

Holy God, I set out to look for you at this moment with this prayer of union with Christ, because he helped me to be everything I am now and even promised to do much more in my life. That's why I set out to seek you, my savior and king of the nations. My God, may your teaching be one of my objects of pursuit so that I can grow in grace and in the virtue of the Holy Spirit. Like this I will enter your sanctuary by faith and I will be able to be even closer to you.


As my heart rejoices every time I say this prayer of union with God, so I will remain firm without returning from where you have called me. You have been so good to me in every deed, Even in times of sadness, your welcoming hand was on my shoulders, helping me and comforting me.. So always come into my life from the morning and give me your teaching because then I will not fall prey to the enemy's suggestions.

O my God, help me not to fall into temptation, but allow everything to happen in my life that will help me in my spiritual growth. Therefore, I know that the Lord will hear this prayer of union with Christ. Then  If he died I will die to the world, if he suffered, I also want to participate in his sufferings.


Thus I will live for honor and your eternal glory, for your instruction is more valuable than any advice coming directly from men. Don't let me, my God, follow the paths of the enemy, may I not sit with those who mock you, but stand firm in heaven under your beloved counsel. So in this prayer of union with Christ, I cling to the Lord every day.


This way I will have a firm rock, which consoles me in moments of anguish and fear. Unite my heart with the fear of your name, so I will live happily. Help me when it seems like there's nothing left to do. But I trust that the Lord always has a way out because he specializes in transforming evil into blessing. Therefore, when everything seems to be lost, the Lord puts your hands and everything great happens, surprising us. In you I have the divine support for my life.

I will not forget the good things you have done in my life, but help me to be attached to your truth so that I do not stray from that path. In the same way, my God, do not let me fall into wrong advice or follow emotions of moments, but the reason of duty. So in this prayer of union with Christ I will become even more firm in faith. In this way, the Lord will enrich my spiritual life with daily communion with Jesus, always clinging to my study and prayers.

May my sacrifices be of praise and my life closer to the Lord. And may my vision always be high, looking at your promises and listening to your advice and direction. But Don't walk away from me if I suddenly make a hasty decision. Always pick me up where I left off so that I can hear your voice again and rise up to follow you firmly again. I ask this in the name of my beloved Jesus. Amen!

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