Prayer of transformation

And do not be conformed to this age, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is the good, acceptable and perfect will of God. Romans 12:2

My dear God, listen to this now prayer of transformation because I want to be a person completely transformed into the image of Christ. In this way, I want to draw closer to the Lord more and more so that my entire being is consecrated to you and helps me to be increasingly firm in your hands. Lord, be my daily instruction to walk firmly on the path of peace, so that I will be shaped for eternity. Therefore, I ask forgiveness now for my sins. Come, for your own sake, to serve me and help me to be closer to you.


Eternal Father, I have been through so many things, and the Lord sees each one of them, and many times they squeeze me. That's why I say this prayer of transformation, because I know that the things of the world tend to delay my life. But my desire is to be transformed and honor the Lord with everything I have. My Holy Father I will not model myself according to the things of this evil world, but according to Jesus Christ because he is my compassionate savior.

I don't want to conform to this century, but I want to always be saying this prayer of transformation to you because it can change history. It is the Lord who does great deeds from the past to the present. In fact, my God, the Lord changes history, causing your will to be done and your name to be honored everywhere. In fact, my God, even those who do not honor you will bend the knee before you, recognizing your infinite greatness.


O merciful God, look at me, see everything that can attract me in the world and help me overcome every temptation that attracts me to it. I pray to you, my Holy God, with this prayer of transformation because the Lord has promised to listen to those who come to you with all their heart, so whoever has the desire to be transformed will change every evil into a blessing in the world. journey of life. So my mind in this dark world will be attracted to things above and have nobler and higher thoughts. This way my faith will always be lit to always walk in your paths.


See, my God, how much I have sought you in this prayer of transformation, asking for mercy in my life. I want to please you out of love for the Lord and not out of selfishness that will take me out of heaven.. Certainly all those who seek your will will be clarified at the right time regarding their purpose in affliction and the reasons for life.

When a person is truly sincere, they go in search of the truth and change their lives. However, those who are just admirers of Jesus will be forever lost in their choices. That is why I come to you with this prayer of transformation for the enormous desire to do your will and follow your truth no matter the price that is paid for it.

My God, Everyone who is sincere in heart will not allow darkness to dominate him, knowing that he has your power to give strength in the face of such a situation. So answer my sincere prayer, see my anguish, look at my struggles, my daily challenges and help me overcome the enemy of souls. Strengthen me, take care of your people here on this land and help them seek transformation. Look at the tired and downcast and refresh them from the heat of life's battles. Take care of all your children, understand for your own sake in the name of Jesus. Amen!

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