Prayer of Supplication

I turned my face to the Lord God, to seek him with prayer and supplications, with fasting, sackcloth and ashes. Daniel 9:3

God, I come to you at this moment with my prayer of supplication, because I aspire to be connected to the Lord every day. I firmly believe that the Lord always looks at me before I pray. I know that the Lord answered the prayers of great men of the past and that made them stand firmer by your side. Their lives as an example for my sanctification. With this I seek you with all my life in words, actions and thoughts.


I want that even in suffering I have my face turned towards you, my God, to seek you with prayer and supplications. May the Lord be praised and magnified, both by the angels above and by men here on earth. Come to me and touch my heart by forgiving my sin and saying: follow this path for I have a plan in it for you. Therefore, in the prayer of supplication I pray for patience , waiting for your eternal promises.

My meditation has the Lord as its center and the cross of Christ as the bridge that connects heaven to earth. My God, when Daniel approached you, praying for him and for all the people, recognizing the mistakes of the nation and himself. If he recognized his sin and the worst acts that the people did before you, then I also recognize my weakness in my sinfulness. Then I will follow you without finding an excuse to commit sin, but clinging to the Lord as a source of life and hope on this earth. Hear from the heavens my prayer of supplication and answer, Lord, according to your will.


In this prayer of supplication I empty myself of myself, pouring myself only into you. So I can now feel your welcome, taking me from arid places to green places.


Take also the lives of my people into your hands, each one of my living family care for them for me. Look also, my God, at all your people on this earth, may they stand firm until the end preaching and living your truth. Oh my God, I don't want to live a spiritually lax life, so please deliver me despite myself. Because I am a flawed person, and my trust is always tied to the Lord. In this prayer of supplication I place my life entirely in your hands, do with it what you think is best.

Remove from me any ambition that displeases you and may my prosperity be according to your will. Do not let me think I am better than others in any way, but seek the best spiritually every day for the honor and glory of your holy name.

My God, every person who truly trusts in you will deeply honor you. It will certainly never throw away those people who give themselves completely. Not all people will understand the action that some commit in life, but only the Lord knows their reason.

That is why he acts in the human heart, transforming all those who cling to what he promised. Therefore, in this prayer of supplication I cling to you, I ask and thank you for everything in the Holy name of Jesus Christ. Amen!

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