Serenity Prayer

But I will always have hope and praise you more and more. Psalms 71.14

At serenity prayer I look for you morning, noon and night because you have been good to me, my God. Life has enormous challenges and problems to face, but I want to rest in your tranquility.


Why my hope is only in you and in my beloved savior Jesus Christ. Being in the midst of pain and torment I want to be like a little bird that faces, looking at its babies. Although I know, my God, that life is like a breath, I also know that the Lord gives eternal life to all those who accept your call.

I seek the Lord with all my heart in this serenity prayer because I will have patience given by you to keep you on your path. So help me accept the things that must be changed. In the same way, help me to accept what cannot be changed and to be able to distinguish between the two.


Your help, sovereign God, is the best thing that could happen to me, so I know you are looking at this serenity prayer. Because I seek your face as Moses desired, but I am a sinner and I could not bear your glory. However, the Lord finds a way to bring me closer to you, because Christ came down and showed that God does everything for the people he created. That's why I pray for transformation of my life.


My God, the hardships of this life are strong, they hit like no one could. But everyone who clings to you will have great rewards. Then Help me let go of everything that still ties me to this world. Listen to this serenity prayer and transform me into something new daily by baptizing me with your Spirit.

As the Lord knows all things, speak to me what will go wrong in my plans. However, my God, help me to learn from my mistakes and the mistakes of others. In this serenity prayer I wish the Lord to make changes in my life. helping me to be patient in the face of trials. Therefore, I will have a spirit of contentment with what I have, but at the same time have the courage to seek to be better every day.

What Jesus be my daily bread that regenerates my strength every morning. This way I will know for sure that my serenity prayer has been heard. In this way, my God and Father, I will always walk firmly by your side, without weakening in the face of difficulties. But if by chance I weaken, come to me and reinvigorate me again so that I can stand. For I do not want to kneel before problems, but to pray before they even arise.

In this way, my life will always be a good testimony so that I become more and more attached to the Lord. In this serenity prayer I place my faith and hope in you alone and, like the psalmist, I will say: “I will always have hope and praise you more and more”.

This, my God, because my soul thirsts for you and seeks you eagerly. Understand this prayer of mine and save me for your kingdom, but look at each of my family members and save them. I place this prayer of mine together at the feet of the savior, my lawyer Jesus. Amen!

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