Pursue peace with all men, and holiness, without which no man shall see the Lord, Hebrews 12:14
With this prayer of sanctification I approach the Lord with all my heart. Knowing that I have the mercy I need from the Lord to walk the path He has paved for me. I am just another sinner who does not deserve Your grace, so I beg for Your forgiveness and strength to move forward in life.
Although salvation is not by works but by faith, I know that a Christian must walk uprightly on his path. So I will live despite my faults, seeking you intensely, even when everything is difficult. So I will cling to your eternal promises that prepare me for heaven.
My God, I seek you with this prayer of sanctification because while the grace of Christ is my title to heaven and my sanctification is my adaptation to it. So I do not live with cheap grace, but with the grace that truly makes me an active person in your truth.
This way I can't live by myself, but I still want to say like Paul: It is no longer I who live but Christ who lives in me. So take care of me, visit my family, show them every day how the Lord wants them to live on this earth. Help each of them to feel the inner peace that only Jesus can give.
This way they will certainly have the greatest experience with you and I will seek you with a prayer of sanctification. In this way, each one's life will be consecrated to the Lord for the honor and glory of your name. Help me to see the true value of sanctification because your word says that without it I will not enter the kingdom.
This means that a true Christian must abandon everything that harms his spiritual life. But at the same time he must stand firm in your truth through meditation on your word, through prayer and daily action. In this way the consequence will be such an intimate connection with you that both they and I could be like Enoch. So I want to walk with you today and always.
If by chance there is something in my life that makes me believe that I am too good, help me not to exalt myself and to trust myself. But may everything I do be a way of honoring and glorifying your name. So here is one of your servants seeking you with this prayer of sanctification.
Be with me every day until the end of time. So that I may one day see the face of Christ shining like the Sun of righteousness. I will see my beloved Savior and he will come to me and to all those who have accepted salvation and will be satisfied that his work was not in vain.
Take care of me, shine upon my life, help me to have a faith that shows your light to people. This way they will be able to follow the Lord seeking with this prayer of sanctification. In this way they are all prepared for the return of Christ..
I surrender everything I am to you, help me to remain faithful, in the name of Jesus. Amen!
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