But now that you have been set free from sin and have become slaves of God, the fruit you reap leads to holiness, and its end is eternal life. Romans 6:22
At this moment I put myself with prayer of holiness to magnify your name, O Most High God. May your name be exalted and magnified forever, may both men and angels praise you for the honor and glory of Christ. My God, every day I ask forgiveness for my daily sins because I do not confess to the Lord what I have already asked for forgiveness because the Lord forgives and throws them into the depths of the sea. However, I ask forgiveness for daily sins, even those I committed without even realizing it.
In this prayer of holiness I acknowledge that I must be set apart for you, precisely for this reason the Lord purifies us from all unrighteousness. In this way, our words, actions, and thoughts will be holy. I know that many people misunderstand holiness, because Christian holiness is that which lives a life separated from the things of the world. In this way, those who live for you are in the world, but do not belong to it.
I know, dear God, that You look upon the afflicted and downcast and give strength to the weary. But everyone who has been freed from sin and accepted grace in Christ Jesus will pass through the gate of the Holy City. So I no longer want to be a slave to sin, even in the moments when I sin, because I will hold on to your hands in search of forgiveness. This is because I know that all your servants who place themselves with a broken heart in a prayer of holiness will be answered.
Help me to present my body as a living sacrifice, pure and pleasing to the Lord, so that I may find it good and acceptable and perfect in the will of God, Rom: 12:1-2. In this way I will walk firmly in your path without being shaken even in the face of so many threats around me
Certainly, being holy according to what the Bible says is being separated from the things of the world for your eternal cause. So, my God, pour out the Holy Spirit upon me. Fill me with holiness and help me to be a blessing to my family and everyone I come into contact with.
I will reap the fruits for eternal life because I am your slave, my God. But your slave is to live the righteous life in spite of my sinful nature.. Therefore I follow your path, being fully aware that the Lord is able to give me my treasure on that great day.
In view of all the deeds that the Lord has done in my life, I worship you with all my heart with this prayer of holiness because I made a decision by your side.Transform my life, be the center of my life, be with me when I walk and when I lie down, when I work and when I rest, when I am in church or at home.. Protect each of my family members and friends, remove all illness from these homes and everything that could take our focus and attention away from heaven.
Make me, O God, an object of salvation for those who are near and far. So Father, answer this prayer of holiness of mine, because I know what Christ has done for me. Because of my Savior's action, I have the privilege of living eternal life. Even if I don't live a good life on this earth., the Lord has much more for me. Hear this prayer, Lord, act according to your kindness, in the name of Jesus. Amen!
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