Rock Prayer

Come, let us sing to the LORD; let us rejoice at the rock of our salvation.Psalms 95:1

The Lord is the God of my salvation, therefore I seek you with this rock prayer, for you are my shelter in the face of the storms of life. So I address the Lord who cares about his children. I thank you, my God, for your kindness in my life and leading me to eternity.


Praise the Lord because he forgives everyone who puts their life in his hands. Take care of me and help me to always be under your shelter, so no arrow will be enough to bring me down. Forgive my sins and help me to walk firmly in your safe path.

In this prayer from the rock I recognize that you are my protection, because The Lord is a God who draws near to welcome each one who gives themselves to you. However, it is always the Lord who takes the first step, he always comes to meet us to make us firm before your life-giving presence.


Certainly that all who take shelter before you will be safe for eternity. Without a doubt, Jesus descended among men as a man, but never ceasing to be a blessed God, savior of humanity. So my soul seeks you with all my heart so that my being may warm in your shelter.


How good it is, my God, to seek you with this prayer from the rock because without a doubt the Lord is my strength, my protection, my unshakable rock. Your justice shines in my life and makes me happy to know that there is a God who cares with all my actions, every step of my life.

My great God, rock of my salvation, take care of me at all times, do not let me fall into the quicksand of worldly life. So I put myself in your care because I know that The Lord always answers my prayers as you know what is best for my life.

Hear this prayer of mine from the rock and strengthen me. Come to me, help me feel your comforting hug, it warms me, gives me security and the desire to move forward because by your side I have everything I need. So I get up every time I fall, because the enemy will not defeat me because I am in the shelter of the rock.

My redeemer, beloved Jesus died for me, therefore, beloved Father, place me under your great shelter and help me see beyond. So I will not fear at any time, even if things seem to be going in the opposite direction. So I will keep a living faith and firm at all times.

Before you I place each of my prayers, in this prayer of the rock, May the Lord enlighten me and help me to establish my feet on firm ground so that I don't go wherever the wind takes me. This way I will be able to stand firm, even when everything is going wrong.

Holy God, may the Lord be exalted forever, hear, out of mercy, heed and act according to your infinite wisdom. I end this prayer by asking for all of this in the name of Jesus. Amen!

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