The Lord answers: “Can a woman forget the child at her breast, that she should not have compassion on the son of her womb? Even if she were to forget, yet I will not forget you. Isaiah 49:15
My God and Father before you I approach with a prayer of response so that I can always feel that you are by my side. I know that no matter how difficult the times may be, the Lord never abandons his servants. In reality, the Lord does not forget anyone on this earth, because he touches everyone's heart so that they abandon the sin and evil of these centuries.
Then hear my prayer of answer and help me see much more than my limited vision sees. So be it, O my God, who sees everything and cares about the smallest details of my life. Certainly a woman who loves her child does not forget him, but the Lord even more so, because He is immutable, loves and is compassionate towards human beings.
Eternal God, fill me with your grace and virtue of the Spirit so that I may always walk towards eternal life. Therefore I ask that you have compassion on me in times of affliction, May I see your powerful hand even when everything is not going well and falling apart before my eyes.. As your promises are always fulfilled in their time, help me to have patience to wait for the fulfillment of those that take longer. O beloved God, as you are powerful, slow to anger, and great in mercy, therefore forgive my sins.
In this prayer of response I draw near to the Lord who sees everything and who makes me rest in your arms of love and pure goodness. So, my God, fulfill your will in me so that my life may reflect my savior Jesus Christ.. This way I will be able to walk happily even in the face of the worst devastations because the Lord is with me.
With your promise, which is in the book of Isaiah, I stand in awe of your presence because I know that you always fulfill what you promise. So, My God, even if the sky doesn't shine, and the storm lasts or even if the sea doesn't open, I will trust in you.. This is because I am sure that you keep the lives of all your servants in safe places.
I pray this prayer of answer because I wait on you, who answered the cry of the people of Israel when they suffered in Egypt. The Lord is the same God who opened the Red Sea, who answered Hannah's prayer for a son. So as the Lord helped in the past, he does the same now with all who believe in his promise.
So, I will trust in your action, I will ask for help whenever I feel like a distressed person. Carry me in your arms when I don't have the strength to walk. So hear my prayer and give me an answer so that I may have higher experiences with you, Lord. Hear my prayer seeking the reward which he promised to the victor.
Be with me, with your people, with my family and all those who believe in Jesus and prepare us for your eternal kingdom in the name of Jesus, beloved redeemer. Amen!
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