Redemption Prayer

Being justified freely by his grace, through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus. Romans 3:24. Put your hope in the Lord, O Israel, for in the Lord there is steadfast love and full redemption. Psalms 130:7

Lord, in this redemption prayer I put my faith and my trust in your hands so that my life is full of meaning. So I can grow in grace with the power of your Spirit in my life. Forgive my sins, my heavenly Father, and help me to walk uprightly in your paths.


Me I will follow you every day of my life if the Lord always gives me the strength to remain standing. I thank you for justification in Jesus, my savior in whom I love and place my eternal hopes. Because it was he who died on the cross to save me. I'm happy that divinity looked at me from heaven and wanted to save my life.

How I long for you every morning, even in the darkest nights I see the Lord guiding me in this immeasurable grace that came into the world. I can only thank you and ask for strength to remain on the path of the faithful saints. Then Come comfort me when I'm down. Help me to look for my justification in Jesus, beloved. Because this way I can always look at him and not at myself, a sinner.


In this prayer of redemption I see Jesus on the cross of Calvary extending both hands to be crucified, willingly giving his life to save me from the power of darkness. So help me feel salvation in my life. May your forgiveness console me every morning and make me reflect at all times. So I can see your daily salvation.


So hear this prayer of redemption and save me for your kingdom. Go to meet, my God, each person in my family, help those who are outside your path to recognize my saving as their savior too. Strengthen the soul of the weary, invigorate the crushed in spirit, open the mind of the unbelievers.

In this prayer of redemption, I want to place at the feet of Jesus, present my faith, everything I have. In this way, my God and Father, you are more firm every day. I thank you that the story of redemption in Jesus is real, because a radiance of glory shook the universe as God became man and dwelt among us. Christ did not consider the fact that he was God, humbling himself to save me. What love, what extreme humility, what an unfathomable feeling!

May the brightness of Christ's glory be upon my life, for I place my hope in Calvary. Although it was cruel scenes of pain, it was the only way to save humanity. Jesus prepared himself for this moment in his constant life of denying his own will. So give me one fortification spiritual so that I may walk firmly and fulfill your purpose for me.

In this prayer of redemption I place my hope in the Lord, because he is true and fulfills everything he promises. So, come into my life and pour out everything you have in store for me. Strengthen my soul and invigorate my spirit when weary.

O God, who is like the Lord, who forgives and transforms life in a unique and miraculous way. Nothing, my Father, compares to what you do in the life of a faithful believer. Why your cause is perfect, it was born in your mind and transformed the world. May the Lord dwell in my life, I may be a channel of blessings for everyone around me.

So listen to my prayer of redemption and make sure you always and firmly look at the cross when the enemy accuses me. When, suddenly, I slip, I know that there is a God to forgive me. May my repentance always be sincere and may my life be transformed by the forgiving love of Christ On the cross and in intercession for me. Hear and answer this prayer in the name of Jesus. Amen!

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