Therefore everyone who hears these words of mine and puts them into practice will be like a wise man who built his house on the rock. Matthew 7:24
God, if everyone sought you with the prayer of prudence would be firmer because there is a need to cling to the Lord. Therefore, I place my prayers before you, trusting that they will be answered in due time. So I feel at all times the dependence I have on you. Come to me, fill me with light and take me to the place you have reserved for me, give me your forgiveness and sanctify me more and more in your path.
As I approach you, my God, with this prayer of prudence I long to be better, even with problems that may come. So then, I place myself to listen to your words so that I have your prudence and I am firm in the face of everything that may happen in my life.
Do not allow, my God, that the noise of this world leaves me without hearing your voice. Thus I will always be with the prayer of prudence, firm as a house built on rock, withstanding the storms that come to everyone. I will be a wise servant who builds his entire life on the rock that is Jesus Christ..
Lord God, remove the sand castles from my life, or do not let me get caught up in them, wishing for things that will be buried on the great day of the Lord. Hear, O eternal God, this prayer of prudence and help me to walk straight in your path forever. Help me to always see the traps of this dark world..
Father, building a house on sand is like living a life without the Lord, soon everything will fall apart and what was enchanted will be revealed, you see. So in this prayer of prudence I wish to distinguish what is yours and what is the enemy's.. Unfortunately, my God, we have stopped hearing your voice and have instead heard that of friends, relatives, people on social media, in movies and in so many other ways. However, I wish that you be mine in all situations so that I may have true advice for my life.
Help me to be prudent in my choices of relationships, in choosing places I want to go and even in my way of acting. in the face of what most affects me emotionally. I present to you this prayer of prudence because I will walk uprightly for the love of your name.
In the same way, my Father, help me to build a spiritual life that is firm on the rock so that it does not collapse before the attacks of demons. Therefore, in this prayer of prudence, I kneel and beg for your heavenly blessing and forgiveness. Thus I will build my life on the rock of daily prayer, without formalism.
In the same way, I will base my life on reading the Holy Bible. But do not allow, my God, that I read it randomly or use it as a lucky charm. But let me set aside time for prayer, study and meditation.
With your grace I will achieve victory together with all the redeemed of the Lord. So my life will not be boring on this earth because I am sure that there is a purpose for me and for everyone who believes in your word.
Hear, my God, this prayer of mine, may the divine Holy Spirit be with me, may Jesus be with me always, because it is in His name that I present this prayer. Amen!
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