Ordeal Prayer

Happy is the man who perseveres under trial, because after passing, he will receive the crown of life that God promised to those who love him. James 1:12

My God, in sincerity I set out to seek you with this ordeal prayer because the Lord says not to fear in these moments. So I set out to seek you with all my heart because I know that in you I will find comfort for my soul. Surely all those who seek you with all their heart will have a place of refuge. Even my afflicted soul feels the omnipotent power leading to the place of tranquility.


With the Lord my soul is at peace because even in the face of anguish and problems that plague me, I have all the power on my side. Then there is no power of darkness that can destroy me. I know that in Christ I had eternal redemption, he rose from the grave, arriving in heaven he showed his immense sacrifice to the Father. Now you are my intercessor, where I seek comfort, peace and power to move forward.

In this prayer of trial are my desires, my pains and each of my difficulties. Then I can seek the Lord because He has always eased tiredness and promised relief even in the face of pain and suffering. So I know that Even the thorns that can hurt me will not be enough to stop your salvation that is working in my life.


Not all the power of hell will be enough to divert me from you as long as I have Jesus by my side and within my heart. Certainly he is the eternal rock that covers my entire being, protecting me from the arrows of the enemy. How can I forget to pray to the one who has compassion and omnipotent power to deliver your people? That's why I trust in your word, to give me power to follow daily.


I will continue with the prayer of trial and will not bow my head to the devil because the Lord defeated him, on the cross he is already defeated. In fact, my God, the Lord does not fight with the power of God because otherwise there would be no fight but massacre. Thus the Lord duels the enemy with his character, showing his goodness and his eternal love for every creature. But We have power that comes from you, which clothes us to overcome the evil one.

That's why I don't stop looking for you with this prayer of trial, because the enemy is lost, and he won't take me with him. I cry out to the Lord to have compassion on me, because sometimes anguish tries to take me down. But I feel Jesus' hand on my shoulders just like he did with the apostle John in the book of Revelation. That moment Christ said do not be afraid, I am the first and last, he who lives, I was dead and behold, I am alive forever and ever.

Then I place my faith and my hope in Jesus who loved me until the end, on the cross of Calvary. My eternal love, even with pain and trials, your love was stronger than death. Where he could see enemies mocking and mocking, he looked compassionately at them with a desire to save them.

So in this prayer of trial I put my heart, my desires and my whole life, in the name of Jesus. Amen!

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