Prayer of daily protection

Our hope is in the Lord; he is our help and our protection. Psalms 33:20

God, here I am once again before you, in this daily protection prayerYou know our needs, you know them all, but when we pray to the Lord we enter your pure and holy atmosphere where we are transformed. Before you I confess my sins and ask forgiveness for them.


My hope is in you alone, the author and finisher of our faith. From you comes help for every problem in life, so that the wiles of the enemy are overcome. Therefore, with the Lord by my side I am certain that my protection comes from you, where I have confidence.

When I get up, when I go to bed, and at all times, the Lord protects me, that is why I seek you with this prayer of daily protection. In this way, not even an arrow of the enemy's death will reach my soul. So even if my body perishes, my soul will be kept in you to receive mine heritage eternal.


Lord, my beloved and Holy God, protect me in all my ways and help me to feel that you are by my side even if something bad happens to me. So above all, protect my whole life, so I will feel comfort even in the face of any misfortune.


By seeking you with all my heart with this prayer of daily protection, I recover all my strength. In this way, I can move forward, looking to the God who protects me. Although your protection is not without trial, the Lord gives me strength even in what comes as a strong slap in my life.

My life certainly has a new meaning when I place it entirely in your hands. In this way I will follow you and feel the Lord watching over me wherever I am. But Don't let me put myself in a bad situation unnecessarily.

In this prayer of daily protection I ask that you protect not only me but that you protect my entire family. This way they will be able to testify of you, understand that my prayers and those of all those who are praying are being answered, and so they will see that Lord cares about them even if they are in the wrong.

Come save each one for your kingdom, then help them feel your comforting embrace. Likewise, help them understand that our life can only be well when held in your hands. Although the life of a human being is like a breath, at this moment send your angels to protect us.

I am not praying this prayer of daily protection in vain, because your word is written: the angel of the Lord encamps around him who fears them and delivers them Psalm 34:7. I embrace this promise firmly, placing my life even more in your hands.

I end this prayer by asking you to protect me from myself, because my inner self may want to do something wrong. So guard my heart, helping me not to be a stumbling block to myself and to the lives of others. In the name of Jesus. Amen!

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