Prayer of Eternal Promise

And this is the promise he made to us: eternal life.1 John 2:25

My God, I place myself in your hands at this moment like this prayer of eternal promise because the Lord has been good to me. Even though I am weak, a sinner, you still look at me and serve me, strengthening me every day. For this I praise you, my eternal God, sanctify my life and help me walk in this world towards the promised land.


You know my life completely, you know everything that happens in it and what my struggles and tribulations are. Therefore, I say this prayer of eternal promise, as they are always fulfilled in their time. Then I desire eternal life, to always be with Jesus, my beloved savior. He knows my weaknesses, when my thoughts wander through things that displease you, but the Holy Spirit touches me. This way I start looking at what is spiritual again.

So in this prayer of eternal promise I ask that you fulfill your will in me. So I will always be tied to the Lord, I will feel your guiding hand. Surely the Lord is listening to this prayer because he loves me and wishes me all the best.. So preserve me in obedience.


Lord God, direct my life because I have no power to resist the evil one. The temptations are many and several times he has suggested me to do something that displeases you. It has even tempted me in my main weaknesses and made me feel too resistant in the ones I am apparently strong in. So don't let me fall into my weaknesses and don't allow me to let my guard down in what I'm apparently strongest at.. I know that my sufficiency comes from you alone.


Look at me, beloved Lord, hear this prayer of eternal promise and prepare me for your kingdom. However, if at some point my thoughts and struggles are focused only on the ground, make me look up and see Christ who is my sufficiency.

God, I recognize your greatness and infinite beauty, who hears this prayer of eternal promise and fights for me, so I will change my life. So the confidence I have in your promises is great. For the Lord has wiped away the tears of your servants, he has given strength to the weary, he has strengthened the faith of him who was afflicted.. He has still helped several people in the past, even in times of personal failure.

How good it is to seek you with this prayer, without a doubt it will respond in time, give me your Holy Spirit and make me see every action in my life. So, my God, In every step I take, wherever I am I will be by your side. Surely, my Father, I will walk without being discouraged, even when struggles overwhelm me, because I will trust in your eternal promises.

Holy God, I will be part of the redeemed because eternal life is for those who have embraced the eternal covenant in Jesus. So I cling to the cross, for the remission of my sins came through him. I finish this prayer of eternal promise by asking you to fulfill your will in the name of Jesus. Amen!

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