Therefore, I will walk in the presence of the Lord as long as I live here on earth.Psalms 116:9
My God, I give myself to you with this prayer of divine presence, for the Lord is my beloved Father who keeps me. From the Lord comes strength for all circumstances in life. The Lord sustains all things by his mighty power. Your desire to be close to your children is great, which is why I seek you with sincerity of heart.
I desire rich daily presence in my life because then I have everything I need. The Lord is holy, he gives power to everyone who believes. That's why I constantly seek the Lord because in you I have the refuge I need at all times. Dwell in my home and show your sanctifying presence. This way the atmosphere in my house will be one of blessings for whoever is there.
I seek the heavenly home, I surrender my life to the Lord with this prayer of the divine presence for my growth. Manifest in me your unparalleled love, finish in me the work you began. I know you don't do anything halfway, so show your kindness in me. Help me to be faithful, may the fullness of your grace be abundant in my life.God, the Lord is admirable, he created the earth, heavens and stars, he calls them all by name. I raise my hands to heaven, and I take your blessings by faith.
Before your presence I surrender with the prayer of the divine presence. The Lord acted powerfully in the lives of your servants of the past, he acts in mine too. Show your sustaining power, show your goodness and power to save Send your angels to my home, transform everything into a pure and holy atmosphere. So whoever visits my house will feel your peace and see who I am following.
Your grace is sufficient for me in afflictions because your power is made perfect in human weakness. So I become strong because I trust you with all my strength. Like this as the Lord commanded to make a sanctuary to dwell in the midst of Israel, come and dwell in my heart. Help me to have kindness, love, tenderness and compassion.
I give you my life in this prayer of divine presence, so I will grow in your kingdom. Develop in me the ministry for which you called me to act. So I emptied myself to be a good presence in the lives of others. Come with your Holy Spirit of light to bring the vigor I need for the journey of life.
I place my desires in your hands, every conflict, every difficulty, all the anguish. So help me to trust you and follow the steps on the path to eternity. Dry my tears in this process, help me feel your presence by my side. Make a change in me that everyone around me can feel.
I give you my heart, I want to love you Lord and feel you very close to me. God, I want to be closer to you, even if it is pain that brings me closer to the Lord. My soul is filled with joy to know that receive me as I am to transform it into what the Lord accepts.
Here I am, take possession of my entire being and make a blessing in my life, in the name of Jesus. Amen!