Prayer of permanence

As for you, take care that what you heard from the beginning remains within you. If what you heard from the beginning remains in you, you will also remain in the Son and in the Father. And this is the promise he made to us: eternal life. 1 John 2:24-25

My desire to be with you, Lord, makes me come to you with this prayer of permanence. Because the closer I get to you I see how much I need the Lord in my life. Forgive my sins and help me walk with determination without losing focus on biblical truth.


In this prayer of permanence, my desire is to honor you with all my heart because everyone must exalt your name for the great wonders you have done. Furthermore, Holy Father, your mercies are the causes of our not being consumed.

Listen to this prayer of permanence, my God, your will be done in my life. Also help me to see more and more of your plans for my life so that I can always walk with hope. Without your help I know that I am a lost person, but the Lord puts me in your arms of love and helps me to be faithful to you.


O God, keep my family, I know you do that, but I ask, because Christ told us to pray for one another. So I seek you, because once I knew your word and the truth set me free, took me from where I was and placed me close to you. So, my God, your work began to be done in my life in a special way. So there is no way I can stop saying this prayer of permanence, because many are abandoning the faith and clinging to idolatry of their own will.


My Father, one day the Lord touched my heart and put something new in it, so every time I look at that moment my mind is amazed.

I know that the enemy tries to divert us from the right path, taking us onto paths of evil, but I remain in you, Lord, because you created all things for your people, saved through Christ everyone who accepts your saving grace. Father, I will remain in you because no one is safe for a day that stops praying and reflecting on your holy Bible.

The enemy will overcome anyone who finds an excuse to live a double life, for anyone who thinks that what they follow is right, putting your truth in part. So listen to this prayer of permanence, respond according to your will and help me to always be with you. So I also pray to give me a operative faith.

I will remain with you, always in communion, both in person and in a physical temple. So help me to be gathered with my brothers in prayer in church, Father, because the Bible says not to stop congregating Hebrew 10:25. My God, in this prayer of permanence I surrender myself to you. I don't want to be like many who avoid going to church because they say that the church is us, although it is partly true, your word refers to the church both as an individual and as a meeting service in a physical place.

This is exactly why many grow cold in their faith, they think they are too good, because they say they live a correct life. However, without your help, remaining in daily prayer and studying the scriptures they are in a bad position to face the clashes with the enemy.

Look at me in this prayer of permanence of mine, be visiting my house, save me and my family for your kingdom. Be with the sick, help them seek you, deliver you and remain in you. Thank God, I ask for all this and I thank you in the name of Jesus. Amen!

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