He humbled himself by becoming obedient to the point of death, even death on a cross. Philippians 2:8
Dear God, in this prayer of perfect salvation I give my life to you because I know the value of the cross. I thank you for holding my life precious, for with an everlasting love you have loved me and with your kindness you have drawn me (Jer. 31:3). Praise the Lord for forgiving my sins in such a profound way of love and kindness.
My Father, your greatness is seen in everything you created, you created the human race and living beings even without needing our existence. Furthermore, you redeemed us on the cross when you could have put an end to everything. So come give me all the power I need to follow the plan you have for my life..
Should I stop exalting the Cross of Christ? Of course not! That is why I seek you with this prayer for perfect salvation. So, my Holy and great Father, help me not to stray from your presence, no matter how attractive the world may be. Without you, life is nothing more than a moment of survival. But at your feet I bow because lowering myself before you is the highest place I can be.
Holy God, my desire is to honor you wherever I am, I want to be your argument to the world. All this because you transformed my life powerfully. So my being was changing and still continues to change for the better. God, when I look inside myself, I have nothing to offer except this sinful heart. So I I ask that you receive me just the way I am to transform me into what the Lord accepts..
When I seek you, I ask that you transform me through love. I know that you rebuke me and discipline me because you love me. In this way, my life will be filled with the virtues of the Holy Spirit. Christ if you humbled yourself, help me to humble myself, not in an outward way, but something that comes from the changed inside. I don't want to carry a cross physically, because what was heaviest for Jesus was not the physical Cross, but the weight of our sins.
As I seek you with this prayer of perfect salvation, I place myself entirely in your hands, because I do not know what tomorrow will bring, life is uncertain. Father, in your word it is written that we are like mist that appears for a moment and disappears James 4:14. So Don't let me be fooled by the things the world offers.
That perfect salvation is for Jesus to be present in my daily life in words, actions and thoughts. In this way, my God I will show the Lord's love to the world. Then the world will see that I am a Christian and that I am happy.
I need you, so I seek you with this prayer of perfect salvation. Surely It is from the Lord that I have the power to stand upright and support me in all causes, even those that seem impossible.
Help me there is ripe for the great Harvest of Jesus Christ, when he comes seek all the redeemed who have accepted him. So end this prayer asking exactly in the name of my Jesus Christ. Amen!
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