Prayer for peace of mind

God offered him as a sacrifice for propitiation through faith, through his blood, demonstrating his righteousness. In his tolerance, he had left the sins previously committed unpunished; but, in the present, he demonstrated his righteousness, in order to be just and the justifier of those who have faith in Jesus. Romans 3:25,26

My God this prayer for peace of mind It is because of the conviction I have in the blood of Jesus over my life. When I look at myself I see myself as a flawed and weak being, who has no solution and I exclaim like Paul:Wretched man that I am! Who will free me from the body subject to this death? Romans 7:24. But then I pay attention to the forgiveness of my sins and I see Christ next to your voice interceding for me, not taking into account the wrong life I lived, nor the sins I committed before. However, he is always ready to forgive those who confess and ask for forgiveness.


So I soon approach you with everything I have and am, because although I don't deserve it, Christ offers me his righteousness. That's why I say this prayer for peace of mind, like this In this life I will always walk with the certainty that he is by my side and that my salvation is safe in him. In this way I will hold fast to your promises with all my heart.

But, dear God, don't let me stray from the truth because of situations that come into my life. Help me to walk steadily, but if I suddenly commit sins like David, may I do the same thing as him in accepting your rebuke and not abandoning you in any way. As the faithful of the past remained in the truth even in the face of the worst situations, I will also be faithful with your Holy Spirit who sent me power for all situations in life.


So in this prayer for peace of mind, my desire is to have true tranquility, one that even in the midst of a storm is like a bird in the wind, flying, feeding and building its home. That is true peace of mind. God, the apostles praised you in the midst of prison, they were tied up, but their mouths were free to praise the Lord. So help me to have their faith and trust even in the midst of persecution.


May your Holy Spirit come and make a home in me so that my life may be full of your truth. This way I will be a faithful witness, even in the hardships of life. So listen to this prayer for peace of mind and give me peace of mind in the face of illness, problems at work and in the family. May my lips be full of tranquility so that I can be your argument to the world. But help me to always be convinced of what sin is so that I can turn away from it and grow spiritually like the saints of the past.

My soul thirsts for you, God who rules the nations and gives comfort in the face of trials and all the crises of life. May my weakness unite with your divine strength, so I will have power from above and I will exclaim with all my strength: But thanks be to God, who gives us victory through our Lord Jesus Christ. 1 Corinthians 15:57, Then this prayer for peace of mind will bring me closer to you and I will feel great transformation in my life.

My God, take away from me all sinful compromise, because it is evil and brings us down. It has the ability to destroy mental and spiritual perception, degrading us. So be sure to say this prayer for peace of mind, because only then will I be able to walk firmly without becoming discouraged. Even if mine falls apart, I'm always sure that you're by my side and that you allow me to go through everything, it's because there's something much bigger than what I expect you to do in my life..

I hope in the Lord, then I will continue with my prayer for peace of mind because I place my trust entirely in your hand of love. I pray to you in the name of my beloved savior Jesus. Amen!

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