For the word of God is living and active, sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the division of soul and spirit, of joints and marrow, and discerning the thoughts and intentions of the heart. Hebrews 4.12
At this moment I come to you, my God, with this prayer of the eternal word, I want to cling to your truth. I thank you for giving me food and drink and also my bedtime and for your security at all times. That is why I cling to the Lord, forgive me and transform me.
I need you at all times in my life, so I see myself by your side, praying and studying your word. Father, I know that life is busy, and the time to study your word is short. But help me hold on to your life-changing truth. Surely I need you, I will keep your truth in my heart, so I will sanctify myself in the truth John 17:17.
As I seek you with this prayer of the eternal word, I understand that spiritual revival can only be true with prayer and study. So let your truth come and divide my entire being, placing me at the foot of the cross, because in Jesus I seek strength. I thank you for redemption, for your word that brings light, that builds, corrects and restores the human being. So do not let me live in deception, save me for your kingdom.
Look inside me, hear this prayer of the word, help me to be yours. Surely your word is light and truth for the salvation of everyone who believes. So direct my life and that of my entire family to the new home you promised.
I seek you with this prayer of the eternal word because I am a happy person because your truth changes all life, transforming darkness into light, what is crooked becomes straight. So help me to consecrate myself to the Lord, to feel Christ in my heart. Just as he spoke to the apostles may he speak in my ear guiding me on the path.
Before you I consecrate my life, my gifts and my possessions to you. Thus your grace operating in my life will continue to make great changes within me. May your Spirit make me understand your word so that I can grow spiritually for your kingdom..
Help me to consecrate my life to you, may this prayer of the eternal word be heard by you and may your great work be done in my life. So I will put on your armor, I will devote time to meditation and prayer. So help me to cling to Your holy word and be a transforming, saving influence on all those around me.
Dear Father, may lofty thoughts and great aspirations be a part of my life. Help me to walk in your purity and light to may the grace of the new birth be present in my life. Thus I will drink constantly from the water of life that you will give me for motherhood.
I ask and thank you for this prayer of the word, in the name of Jesus!
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