Prayer of obedience

For the time has come for judgment to begin at the house of God; and if it begins at us, what will be the end of those who do not obey the gospel of God? 1 Peter 4:17

Dear God, I thank you for being here seeking you with prayer of obedience, because when I am close to you my life changes and great things happen within me. That is why my life becomes firmer and with true purpose. So, my God, I do not want to move away from You, because everyone who moves away from you is lost and only grace can change that if it is accepted.


Therefore, help me not to be like those who will be judged for destruction on that day. So hear my prayer of obedience because I want to manifest the works of Christ in my life. In this way, I ask that you forgive my sins and help me to walk worthily. So I will exalt you no matter what circumstances I live in..

Eternal God, I desire that your power be powerfully manifested in my life so that your grace may shine throughout my being. That is why I pray this prayer of obedience because I want to live a life that honors you. So forgive me my sins and do not lead me into temptation, delivering me from evil.. So also help me to overcome the enemy of souls because he wants to destroy all your servants.


Your judgment will begin with those who have processed faith in you, so imagine for those who have rejected your truth? That is why In this prayer of obedience I ask that the Lord straighten my path and come help your people to remain firm. Just as many martyrs of the past died for the gospel, I want to be prepared for this. Surely their faithfulness made them stronger, even if the pressure was as firm as death.


Therefore, I place myself in this prayer of obedience because of my great desire to live as Christ lived. So I want to maintain this firmness in your word, in prayer and in total communion with you day after day. Holy God, keep me on your path so that I do not seek the paths of judgment..

Take care of me from the moment I wake up until the moment I go to sleep. May heaven be my dream, and may having a new character, purified by the blood of Christ, be a constant reality.

My God, help me to obey your gospel and not be bound by human theories. Then take away from me everything that is fanciful and that dishonors your cause. Bring me into your presence and help me to be a new person every day..

I know you are hearing this prayer of obedience because you desire my daily change. May the desire to obey your gospel become my daily longing for truth. Therefore I will do constant prayer to cling even closer to the Lord.

My Lord and King, the world that takes me away from you, the enemy has terrible plans for me. However, My God, your grace is enough to give me the power to overcome evil.. Be with me, with my friends and relatives and come and manifest to the world more and more so that it may recognize your greatness and accept your truth. In the name of my beloved savior Jesus Christ. Amen!

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