Prayer for change

Now, however, freed from sin, transformed into servants of God, you have your fruit for sanctification and, ultimately, eternal life; Romans 6:22

Lord, you have done great things for me, so I put my heart in this prayer for change so that my life can feel every day that passes your transformation in my life. This way I can always be renewing myself because your operation in the life of human beings brings great changes. Each one of them makes a big difference, transforming the soul and strengthening the character.


Look at me right now and help me feel your presence that permeates the universe. Certainly the Lord never abandons those who follow you, in fact, even for those who live life without you the Lord releases rain and sun and food for them. However, in this prayer for change I want a miracle to be performed in me. This way I will feel the touch of your Holy Spirit in my heart, making my life change. So I seek you Lord, because I always pray for this choice that I did.

Be with me at all times so that at all times I may have a life full of grace for your love. In this prayer for change I see my salvation. Christ has all the changes for my life, so in situations of anguish I know that I will feel his hand on me, saying: Do not fear, I am with you. So there's no way I can stop following the Lord who sees everything and cares about me in every situation.. Be the center of my life so that I am always connected to the rock that is Jesus.


Holy God, there is something in my being that leans towards eternity, where I see that the emptiness of the soul can only be filled by you. In this way I cling to the Lord in this prayer of change, sanctifying myself for exaltation to you. Holy Father, do not allow the world to change me so that I do not become trapped in worldliness. Take away from me every curse of life that many from my past followed. Only then will I follow the Lord with true purpose.


My Father, I thank you for transforming me into one of your servants, taking me from the situation in which I lived to a new one. So I address you with this prayer of change because I know that only connected to the Lord can I be a transformed person.

So my God, may I not find myself in a place that I would like to be found when Christ returns. In the same way that I'm not saying things I shouldn't when Christ returns. Don't leave me tied to anything I wish I was stuck when Christ returns to earth. That's why I raise this prayer for change to the Lord because this is only possible for those who make a complete commitment.

So if there is something in me that I still have to change, then show me and give me the power to overcome it in my life. Forgive all the sins I have committed since the last prayer I prayed to the Lord until this moment. This way I will feel more relieved so that your forgiveness will cause profound changes in my life.

That's why I ask you to listen to my prayer for change and come to me with your touch of power. Save me and also all my loved ones who need you. Christ freed me from sin to overcome sin through himself and to live in a sinless kingdom after all. I offer this prayer in the name of my beloved Jesus. Amen!

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