Prayer of divine mercy

For the Lord your God is a merciful God; he will not abandon them, nor destroy them, nor forget the covenant he swore with his ancestors. Deuteronomy 4:31

My God, in this prayer of divine mercy I am pleased to know one of your most surprising faces, that of mercy. Therefore, thanks to the Lord we are not consumed, because the Lord is always willing to forgive those who repent. In this way, it is always good to be by your side, due to your fatherly care.


Thanks and praises must be given to you, the only God, who forgives and strengthens the downcast. God, I cannot have strength, sometimes evil seems to want to dominate me, my thoughts can even be confusing at times. So do not allow me to fall into the enemy's traps. Oh my God, Without your help I would not be able to overcome the enormous obstacles that arise in my life.

In this prayer of divine mercy I come before your face, because seeing your splendor I bow before you, recognizing my nothingness. Who am I compared to you? But Jesus did not care about this, because even though He was God, He became man, paying an eternal price. Thus, he died for me, a sinner.


My Father, who am I compared to what has been done for me, because my life was considered precious in your eyes. That is why you saved me, even though I did not deserve it. So I pray that this mercy will always accompany me, so that I will always have a heart grateful to the Lord. for the greatest gift from heaven coming to earth to save me.


Oh my beloved God, You are holy and great, that is why I seek You with this prayer of divine mercy. Because You do not forget the oaths You made to Your faithful ones in the past, they trusted in You.Surely you knew that the Lord fulfilled all your oaths of the past and still fulfills them today.It is.

At this moment I cling to the cross of Christ, there mercy and grace were together to embrace humanity at the price of blood. In this way all humanity is united in him when it clings to his loving merits. However, my God, if you do not hold on, you will perish, so take care of me so that I do not fall and touch the hearts of each one of my family who have not accepted you yet.

Before you I prostrate myself to rekindle my faith in you and to stand firm in your truth. Then I will not stop praying this prayer of divine mercy. Help me to always be willing to cling to the Lord who sees everything, because Your compassions never end, and we are not consumed..

Help me to always seek you and feel your powerful hand upon me. In this way my trust will be unshakable and will always be firm in your presence. eternal promise. I have always lived before you so that I may feel your hand upon me, comforting me on a bad day, when the tide is against me. I end this prayer of divine mercy by asking in the sweet name of Jesus. Amen!

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