You who love the Lord, hate evil; he guards the souls of his saints, he delivers them from the hand of the wicked. Light spreads to the righteous, and joy to the upright in heart.Psalms 97:10,11

My God in this prayer of glorious light I seek you once again because you are the source of life for all living beings. I ask for forgiveness for any sin I have committed and cannot remember. May your Holy Spirit illuminate my path so that I may walk uprightly in your truth. I will seek you continually because without the Lord I am nothing.


Just as the Lord said that there would be light on the first day of creation, I ask that the Lord come with your light upon my life. Then Don't let the darkness of error take over me, making me shipwreck in faith. Before your greatness I stand because your hands are free to give blessings to your people.

It is very good to seek you with this prayer of glorious light because the Lord guards the souls of his saints. That's why I cling to the Lord with all my heart and with all my strength. So I have the light that illuminates my path, that illuminates my mind and brings light in the darkness that searches for my soul. I know that the Lord is greater than all things and darkness is dispelled before your Holy presence.


As the Lord is magnificent in power, your majesty permeates the entire universe, filling all your creatures with joy and happiness. I know the whole earth is in sin, but the Lord performs a miracle in the lives of those who give themselves to you with all their heart. I ask that the Lord free me from the hand of the wicked, do not allow the enemy to come and mock me. So do not lead me into temptation to shame your cause.


May this prayer of glorious light ascend to your throne of grace and may the Lord act according to your goodness and great mercy. Transform my whole heart and strengthen me completely.

My safety is solely in you who care about everyone on this earth. Why your light radiates in my heart, therefore I ask that the Lord will enlighten the hearts of each of my relatives and friends and touch those who I have preached about your word. Help each of them understand who they are free in Jesus.

Before I am in your eternal kingdom, may he first be born in my heart. Take charge of my life completely and when darkness overwhelms me, your light may come upon me so that I can also be a light for others. May Jesus be my best example so I will firmly follow your will with love and gratitude for everything the Lord has done and will do in my life.

Answer this prayer of glorious light and help me to stand firm without giving up. I ask all this in the name of my good and sweet beloved Jesus Christ. Amen!

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