Prayer of light

Your word is a lamp for my feet, and a light for my path.Psalms 119:105

Lord God, I seek once again the light that comes from your throne of grace, light that illuminates my paths and directs my steps towards eternity. O God, how my heart longs for the Lord, source of grace of truth and salvation for the human race, so truly righteous and compassionate to the point that He showed His love towards us when Christ died for me on the cross of Calvary.


Lord God, forgive my sins, forgive the sins of my family, and come and strengthen my faith, I cry out to you, I beg you, I raise my hands up and I want take possession of your great blessings for my life.

Oh God May the light of your word shine in my life and in the lives of my family, friends and brothers. Help me to look at your word and see the entire purpose designed for my life. Be, O God, a lamp that calls me in the moments of darkness, the moments that I am spending close to the valley of the shadow of death. So Father, I will not be afraid, I will not fear any evil because Your rod and your staff comfort me.


There is certainly no way to stop seeking you, Lord, my God, Holy One of Israel. The father, May my life demonstrate that the blood of Christ shed for me was not in vain. That's why I always want to drink from the source of your word, because Christ said that man will not live by bread alone but by every word that comes from the mouth of God.


If your word is light, may each biblical passage become part of my life, when I am fingering the pages of your sacred word, may your Spirit, coming from the throne of grace, come and open my mind to understand your purpose for my life. I thank you, O God, because you are compassionate and slow to anger. So Father, be with me at the moment when I am going through shadows, through darkness so terrible that I cannot see the horizon.

May my life be filled with your spirit, and may your word of light be my sweet meditation each day and may I have my ears open to hear your sweet and soft voice speaking to my heart: child, I am with you, even if it doesn't seem like it sometimes , I'm always doing something important for you.

If your word is a light for my path, help me, O God, to wait for it within my heart. And say as in Psalm 40:8, I delight in doing your will, O my God, your law is within my heart.

Take care of my life, take care of mom and dad, take care of my brothers, grandparents, uncles and cousins May your word free them with your light as it freed me.

So Father, I will be able to dwell with you forever in the heavenly Canaan and that by faith in Christ, in his powerful blood, I and my beloved ones will be accepted. Father, I seek you in prayer, open my heart, answer and act for the love of your name. For Jesus Christ my beloved savior. Amen!

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